43 - Ginny

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Ginny and Harry spent the night wrapped up together, just the way most people would spend Valentines Day...and it was absolutely perfect.


Waking up, Ginny is alone, which meant Harry had already gone down for breakfast.
She had been skipping some mornings since their wedding was in less than a month and she wanted to look as nice as possible.
Climbing out of bed she walks over to her wardrobe where she had hid her wedding gown, pulling it out and deciding to try it on for fun.
Casting a quick locking charm on the door in case Harry decided to walk in, she opens the bag that held the gorgeous gown and slips it on.
Walking over to the mirror, Ginny plays with her hair and twirls in her dress several times, feeling like a princess.

Could March thirteenth get here any faster?

Sighing, Ginny takes her gown off and puts it back in her hiding place and begins to get ready for the rest of the day. Reluctantly heading out of their room and to class.

She spent most of her time daydreaming about their upcoming wedding and how she wanted everything to be...
She daydreamed about after the wedding too, their honeymoon they had been allowed to have for a weekend and the res too their lives together. It was all she could think about.
All she wanted to think about.
Sitting in her potions class, she stirs random things together, oblivious to what's going on as she daydreams her day away.

"Miss Weasley. Your cauldron is smoking. Please pay attention to what you are doing." The professor tells her disappointed

"Sorry." She mumbled, put her potion is already ruined with no hope of saving it. Thank Godric Harry and Hermione were good at potions. She was absolutely rubbish.

Soon she's done with classes for the day and heads to the great hall for supper.
By the time she arrives, everyone else is already at the table chatting away about the days events.

"Oi! Ginny! Did you hear about Dean?" Ron asks Ginny as she sits down next to Harry

"No? What happened?" She asks

Ron then goes into telling her a very detailed story about how he helped Dean propose to Seamus and how they both ended up crying.
Ron included.
"So basically it was a tear fest...oh...and they released doves. It was almost too much." Harry laughs at Ron's plans

They continue teasing Ron about his doves and slowly lead into small talk between the four of them.

Hermione turns to Ginny and asks about the wedding preparations and how things were coming together.
To which Ginny tells her things are coming along perfectly and that the Burrow would be absolutely perfect for their ceremony and reception.

"I just wish it would be here already. The days are just dragging on and I can't stop daydreaming about the wedding and marriage. My marks are most likely rubbish right now." Ginny sighs, pushing the food around on her plate

"You know if you need help, you can always come to me. I would be happy to help you study. But I'm not doing your work for you." Hermione tells her

"I know! You're just always with Draco or busy and I don't wanna bother you. You're also planning your wedding too, silly. My marks will be fine I'm sure." Ginny smiles


Later that night in their room, Ginny asks Harry how he is possibly keeping up with classes right now...and how the bloody hell he kept his attention during potions.

Harry sits down next to her on the bed and explains that he's also struggling but that he had to keep reminding himself he was nearly done and their wedding was almost here. He then added on that he never had trouble paying attention in potions class...after all he had the half-blood princes textbook during their sixth year and Slughorn to keep things lively.

"I just can't keep my focus! I've been constantly daydreaming during...well everything. I burned my potion today. I've been running into people in the hallways. I'm losing it, Harry! I need our wedding to be here so I can be sane again!" She laughs, falling back on the bed and covering her face with her arm

"It's nearly here, Gin. Don't worry about it. We have the rest of our lives to be married. You best enjoy being free these last few weeks." He smiles

"Then you're stuck with me. Forever." She laughs loudly with a large grin covering her face

"Come on. Let's head to bed. I'm knackered." Harry suggests, grabbing his pajamas

Waiting for Harry to return so they can go to bed, Ginny's mind wanders off once again. This time about Dean and Seamus.

Wishing she could have been there to see the proposal, see Ron cry, doves be released. It must have been a sight to see. Seamus and Dean were also very cute and happy together. She hoped she could go to their wedding also. It'd be lovely to see.

"Hey Harry? Do you think we'll be invited to Dean and Seamus' wedding?" She yells

"Honestly, Ginny? I have a feeling we'll be invited to every wedding. I am the Chosen One after all." He laughs, coming back and crawling into the bed before saying a quiet Nox

"You're still milking that 'Chosen One' shit?" Ginny smiles

"Darling. I'll be milking it my entire life. It's quite funny."

And with that they drifted off to sleep, Ginny dreaming about their upcoming wedding and Harry about Ginny.


*not edited. I just wanted to get it out for you guys*

Alright. This was long overdue and I'm SO sorry.
Life just gets in the way sometimes.

Thought I would give a bit of a more personal chapter for Ginny and Harry as I always just focus on Draco and Hermione...

Now while this is a short and sweet update, I would like to ask you - my lovely readers - to please be kind in the comments.

I absolutely love constructive criticism but I draw the line when it begins to be hurtful. I ask you to please keep rude and harmful comments to yourself. These will not be tolerated.
Also, remember that this is my imagination (and J.K. Rowling's of course...even though we hate her now) and I have creative Liberty here...I'm gonna write what I think is nice.

So please, if you don't like my choices. Keep it to yourself.

This is not me saying I want you lot to stop commenting...please CONTINUE commenting! I love to see your thoughts...just so long as they're not harmful or offend me.

I hope you all understand and are still enjoying even though updates have become sluggish.

I also wanted to let you know that I am about to begin a new book entitled Buttons! It will be a Niall Horan AU and I'm incredibly excited for it!
It won't be out for at least another week though!
I have published a short introduction with the character list and a summary if you would like to check that out!

Thank you guys for sticking with me for nearly a year!
Love you all so much!
Shelby xx

P.s. COMMENT! I love it.

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