38 - Veritaserum

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Walking hand in hand toward McGonagall's office, Hermione and Draco prepare themselves for what they are about to hear.
They were about to find out the truth about everything that had happened, and Alexandra could be expelled. Things could finally go back to normal...or as normal as possible with their lives.

Coming upon the Oak door, Hermione says the password, and the pair walk up the stairs.
Once they reach the top, they see McGonagall, Alexandra, Professor Merricks, and another wizard they didn't know

"Now that we have these two, we can get started," McGonagall says, nodding toward the unknown wizard.
"My name is Roman Callaghan. I am the official potion master of the Ministry of Magic.
Alexandra Ricci, you have been accused of using Amortentia on another student, intending to disrupt the current law put in place by the Ministry of Magic. We only intend to find out the truth by using veritaserum." He explains, then moves toward her and hands her a vial, which she drinks, causing a grimace to occur on her face

"Miss Ricci, did you or did you not give Mr.Malfoy a dose of Amortentia?" He asks

"No. I did not give Draco Malfoy Amortentia." She says clearly

"Was the love potion in the cake that was given to Mr.Malfoy?"


"Who made this cake?"

"My mother."

"And why would she put a dose of Amortentia into this cake?"

"Our parents want us to be married. It would be better for Draco's family if he were to marry me instead of her. This was a plan devised by my mother and Narcissa Malfoy."

"You had no knowledge of this plan?"

"I knew they had a plan, although I didn't know it was through putting Amortentia in the cake. I figured it out once Draco came to me." She explained

Hermione looks at Draco, wondering if their parents would go through this much trouble so she wouldn't marry him. They'd risked creating something like Tom Riddle...
If they would have gone any further...

More questions are asked, but Hermione stops paying attention. What bothered her was that there was a possibility of another Tom Riddle being created.
They should really ban love potions. They're incredibly dangerous...like Slughorn had said in their sixth year.
Thirty minutes later, the veritaserum had worn off, and plans were being made for what to do with Alexandra, her mother, and Narcissa.
Of course, Draco and Hermione wouldn't be held accountable for anything, as they were planning to go along with their marriage anyway.

"Alexandra. You will return to Ilvermorny in America immediately. We will not snap your wand as you were a victim, but we will make sure you have absolutely no contact with the Malfoy family ever again...as for your mother and Narcissa Malfoy - we will hold a trial for both of them and give them both appropriate sentences. Of course, we will ask Mr.Malfoy and Miss Granger for their testimonies. An owl will be sent to each of you when this trial will take place. For now, please get your things, Miss Ricci. You will be going back to America tomorrow. I'm sure your headmaster there will give you an appropriate punishment. I will also be in contact with MACUSA." Roman says, packing up his things

Roman asks Draco and Hermione not to use any magic against Alexandra, reminding them that the Ministry will take care of everything...that doesn't stop Hermione from wanting to punch Alexandra.

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