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The gentle bell of the alarm chimed in his ears and he fluttered his eyes open. He looked around his room and smiled. Everything was at its place. Thank goodness! He woke up an hour earlier than his work starts. He got out of his bed, subconsciously leaving no crease on the bed and goes for his morning routine. He got himself dressed in the suit and stands in front of the tall mirror. It was still 15 minutes left. His hands were working quickly. But he got late for work none the less.

He grabbed his coat and car keys with irritation and before slamming the door close, stood in front of his tall mirror, " Geez I look horrible" his hands involuntarily moved to his face and straighten some of unseen creases of his clothes" I am getting uglier by the minute" looks himself in the mirror with disgust and slams the door and did not forget to lock it." I will never look good in my life" his car shows him some of his gorgeous reflection but he hates it, still looks himself in the car rear view mirror " sheeesh I am getting late oh god why this happens to me" irritation boils his blood to maximum and he starts the car.


He was walking through the office corridors and some- how his gaze slipped at the newly mopped tiled floor and he could not help but check himself out in the reflection un-noticeably and stops. He was clearly frustrated by his looks. He swiftly moves on with steady fast steps, unwilling to pay a heed on the fuss ladies were making, and climbs a lift. His eyes slip to the mirrors inside and his gaze slips not on the lady at his back, who was accusing him internally for checking her out, yet on "gosh these shoulders should come up with some pretty more height and I am a dwarf, I look ugly" his blood rose to maximum level and he exits the lift with rage. "that good for nothing coach just takes money and does not help me work out, I will kill him for tha..oh (the reflection on his glass doors stops him) why do I deserve to be punished?" highly disappointed by his posture, mutters under his breathe.

But as he enters his room, his lips tug down wards and forehead creases. There were so many flowers and gifts at his table. His throat got bitter and his breathe hitched" who allowed them to make fun of me!!!!" with a harsh slap, throws all of the delicate flowers in the bin" and messing my table with... mess" he was getting out of control.

First he started his day with the hope that he will have a good day as his friend told him to yet he was having the worst day of his life. His veins feel shrinking and his hands shook under rage. He hated mess and wanted every-thing organized. He sat on his chair holding his throbbing head and once again, the clear glass table allures him to see himself in the reflection. And when he did, he saw a terrible human being struggling to have a good moment. "why god? Why?"

Hwello lovelies... New book with first chapter. I hope you enjoy it and treat it well😍😍😍 I purple you all💜💜💜💜💜💜

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