Chapter 25

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I sat there and waited

I didn't know If she would come back

I didn't know if I wanted her to come back either

She isn't real

It's a hallucination

Harry you're going Mad. You can't believe its true. She is dead. Stop convincing yourself you saw her. Talked to her. And kissed her.

She isn't real anymore.

Don't Carve Me In

If she was real, even though she can't be, why did those 4 words stick to me. Why did they mean so much? Did she say that? Was it possible I heard that before?

-Taylor Point of View-

Everything ran through my mind. I sat in the room. Darcy still asleep. Zayn starring at me like a hawk.

"Why? Why did you lie to us?" He finally spoke up. I shrugged. He huffed.

"I just wanted her back." I mumbled.

"She could have died!" He half shouted. I shushed him and stared at Darcy's frail, sleeping body.

"Zayn, You wouldn't understand. I wasn't just Darcy's cousin. I was her caregiver. I was there when Marie was losing herself. Losing her heart. Marie was like my second mum! I wasn't good to Lizzie, I realize that, But Marie trusted me with Darcy. She treated me like a normal human! Not some horrible person like my dad! My dad hit me Zayn! For 10 long years! I never met my mum because she died right after I was born! I killed my mum Zayn! I promised myself I would be there for anyone because she wasn't there for me! You wouldn't know! Darcy was my life. I begged for custody after Marie died. My dad said no so many times. At the funeral, I was there. Lizzie, Darcy and I. My dad was a horrible man and He didn't have the balls to go! He thought I was too young to raise a child. Lizzie didn't seem to care because she was so focused on the death of her sister. When he said no, I turned to drugs. I thought that Darcy would be sent off to some stranger's home to live with a bunch of rotten orphans. DARCY IS SPECIAL! We have a bond. I just wanted my little girl back. I wanted to be her mum. To tret her like the princess she was. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW! IF I RECALL, DRUGS FUCK UP YOUR LIFE. I DON'T REMEMBER DARCY BEING ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING! I WISH I WAS DEAD RIGHT NOW!" I began sobbing. Zayn stared at me. He finally got up and enveloped me in a hug.

"Why didn't you just say you are his niece. He would have let you see her." He cooed.

"No, no he wouldn't. He's to famous. I would have been harassed, forced away by security. The only way I could do this was by lying. I wanted to see her again and this was the only way. The worst part is I broke him in half. I ruined his chances with Louis. But in reality, Louis said he wished he hadn't done that because he doesn't want to be gay. Or bi." I told him

"What? What and you talking about Louis and Harry were?.... Wow... They never told me.." He confessed. I covered my face with my hands.

"There I go being stupid as hell again." I chuckled. Zayn bit his lip.

"Taylor, you're not stupid. You're hurt and you miss Darcy. Not saying I would have one the same. Like at all... But you aren't stupid. You're not a screw up. You made a mistake. Several mistakes. But that doesn't make you a bad person. I think your dad messed with a few wires in there" He smiled pointing to my head. I smiled.

"Does Harry hate me?" I asked

"I hope not. Just tell him what you told me okay. Tell all of us what you told me. Tell your mum too. She needs an explanation to your outbursts. Okay?" I nodded. Zayn was certainly the understanding one of this situation.

Just then, at that very moment, Darcy awoke.

Not awaking any normal way either.

She awoke screaming.

And her monitor made the loudest screech ever.

"DARCY!" I screamed. Zayn pulled me back. 3 doctors ran in.

"What's happening?" I asked. Zayn crushed me in a hug, holding me back. We got pushed out of the room.

"What's happening!?" I shouted at him. We looked through the window. Darcy was being held down, breathing tubes being bulled out, Oxygen masks.

"Zayn... Zayn... What's happening?" I asked crying. He hugged me tight.

"She needs Harry. Now."


Wow if I do another plot twist I'm gonna end up killing myself.... Not literally but... You know What I mean! I'm making myself excited. YYYYAAAAAAA

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