The LeStranges

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After dinner, Harry went down to Barty's chambers. He muttered the password and walked inside.

"Ready to go?" he asked Barty as soon as he arrived.

"In a minute," came a shout from the bathroom.

With a sigh, Harry fell into an armchair. He was a little impatient truth be told. His day had been horrible, he didn't think he could stand it a second longer and at least Tom would let him unwind. Maybe they could go hunting for a bit. He was sure that Tom wouldn't mind.

"Ready," Barty stumbled out of his room and Harry almost jumped to his feet.

"Finally," he grumbled, making Barty stop in his tracks and look at him.

"Is something wrong?" Barty asked, looking Harry over and Harry deflated slightly.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, letting Barty pull him closer, "It's just...  well, it's been a horrible day."

"What happened?" Barty asked, causing Harry to almost melt into Barty's embrace.

"Nothing. I don't know why I'm so on edge. Maybe it's all the pitying looks everyone has been giving me," Harry replied.

"Because of the breakout and they blaming Black?"

"Yes... I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of always having this mask on. I am half tempted to just ask Tom to stay with him." 

"I doubt he'd refuse you," Barty replied, his arms tightening around Harry.

"I know, but I also know that it is better for us in the long run, if I stay here," Harry replied in a tired tone.

"If it makes you this miserable..."

"There are more important things," Harry replied.

"Not to me," Barty stated so fiercely that it took Harry by surprise.

"Barty... what?"

"I'm loyal to my Lord, to his causes," Barty whispered, "Though I would, without a second thought, out you before it all."

"Barty..." Harry murmured, not really knowing what to say.

"I care about you, Harry. You mean the world to me, not because you are my Lord, but because you are you. I'm not asking for anything aside from your company. Please, Harry, don't stop spending time with me because of what I've just told you..."

"I couldn't, even if I wanted to," Harry whispered, only then realizing just how true that was, "You're important to me, Barty. I wouldn't be able to stay away from you. You are one of the few people I trust, one of the few I can be myself with," Harry took a deep breath and felt his body relax even more in Barty's arms, "I don't think I could ever give that up."

Barty closed his eyes and buried his head in the raven locks. It was far more than he had expected for his sudden confession. Though, he didn't think that Harry saw it in the light he had meant. Still, it was better than nothing and he was patient, he could wait. He would wait if it meant that he could spend the rest of his life with Harry in his arms.

"Thank you," he breathed, beyond grateful at not being rejected.

"There's nothing to thank me for," Harry murmured back, "I don't think you fully realize what it means to me to have someone like you, if anyone should be thanking anyone, it's me."

It was difficult for Barty to wrap his mind around what Harry was telling him. How could Harry feel that about him? How had he come to mean so much to his green-eyed Lord? It was something he didn't understand, but, truthfully, he didn't really care how it came to be, as long as he was allowed to continue to be by his side.

Death's Son (Originally done by Little.Miss.Xanda)Where stories live. Discover now