Another Explosion

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Harry found Bella with Rod and Rab, eating some soup.

"Bella, how would you like to join me on a hunting trip? After I eat something, and you finish, of course," Harry asked, disturbing the two of them.

Bella's eyes widen at Harry's tone and posture. He looked way more lively than he did a few mintues ago.

"Why now?" Rab asked.

"Voldemort suggested it, even let me take Bella with me. So, what do you say?" Harry asked, looking at Bella with a gleam in his eyes that made it impossible for Bella to say no. Only to see what Harry was going to do.

"You bet," Bella said, as the insane glint in her eyes appearing, though, no match for Harry's.

"Great," Harry said. Then he called for a house-elf. He ordered the elf to bring him some food, it did so gratefully.

"Thank you, you may return to your other duties now," Harry dismissed the elf with a nod.

The elf's eyes widened, then it vanished witha small pop.

"Why were you nice to it?" Rodolphus asked, looking somewhere between disgusted and confused.

"Because, if the magical world was ever discovered, they would be destroyed, just as we would," Harry answered.

Harry had recently decided that it would be a wise idea to gradually tell the inner circle of Death Eaters the truth about himself. Though, he didn't tell Tom about his plan yet.

"Plus, they do have emotions and are very handy to have in a tight spot," Harry added after a thought.

The three LeStranges shared a comfused look.

"Muggles can't destroy us," Bellatrix said, her tone firm and unwavering.

"If it helps you sleep at night," Harry said, turning to his sandwich, "we're leaving in ten minutes, so finish eating. After this trip, tell me if you still believe that."

Bella just shrugged, though it was clear she was thinking over everything, as were the other two.

"Can we come too?" Rabastan asked.

Harry looked at them quizically. Before he conjured a patronus, "Go ask Voldemort if I can take Rodolphus and Rabastan as well." Then he sent off his Thestral.


Tom, who had been having a discussion with Lucius, was a bit startled to see a patronus come into the room, a thestral at that.

"Voldemort, can I take Rodolphus and Rabastan with Bella and I?" Harry's voice asked him.

"Is that Lord Phobo's voice?" Lucius spoke up, reminding Tom of his presence.

"Yes, did you know that Patronuses could be used like this?" Tom asked, looking at the pureblood.

"No, my lord," Lucius said, looking a bit amazed at it, "And is that a thestral?"

"Yes, why don't we go investigate," Tom said, standing up from his chair.

Lucius stood as well, following his lord to where Harry was.

Tom and Lucius went to the dining room where the LeStranges and Harry were at.

"Harry," Tom called out, disrupting the intense look on his face.

"Oh, hey, Tom. Wasn't expecting you to come down here to answer. Nor with Luci. So what's up?" Harry asked.

"You used a patronus to send me a message," Tom pointed out.

Death's Son (Originally done by Little.Miss.Xanda)Where stories live. Discover now