XVIII. The Journey Continues

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I awoke at the resistance base. "How are you feeling?" Rey asked. "I'm ok." I said. "How did we get here?" I herd Chewie roar. "He came back for us on the Falcon. Finn's getting treatment now. I'm not sure how long he'll be out. Then a familiar dark haired man walked in. "Is she ok?" Poe asked Rey. "I'm fine." I said. "We found the map to the base, if you guys are up to it." I nodded. I then noticed a droid looking me over. I now wore a metal hand with a fake layer of skin over the top of it. It had a compartment open on the wrist. "Can you feel?" It's metallic voice asked as it poked the tips of my fingers for some kind of reaction. 

I felt each little pinprick and nodded

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I felt each little pinprick and nodded. Rey and Poe helped me up. They led me to the man control room.

Leia immediately approached me. She hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her. I felt bad. We couldn't protect Han. Then I saw a blue and white droid roll up to us. "Artoo?" I questioned. "My little friend has been out for so long. He has the remaining piece of the map but the General insisted we reveal it when you woke up." C3P0 said. "We'll don't just stand around. Show us." I spoke.

R2 projected the map. BB-8 rolled up to his master. Poe knelt down to its level and placed the pice of the map into the unit. The two droids pieces slid together perfectly. "Luke." Leia had said. The map lead to an island called Ach-To. "The map." C3P0 said. "Is complete."


2 days had past. We has Han's funeral. It's hard when you don't have a body. We didn't have one for my mother. She disappeared at the time of her death so I just buried her clothes.

Poe had also agreed to help teach me on how to be a resistance pilot. I gave up the saber to Rey. She would take it to the island to begin her Jedi training. She was very strong in the force, might as well use that power. I didn't want any part of it. I was perfectly ok with the guy I liked training me. I almost felt as if he felt the same as I did.

He, Rey, and I stood over Finn, who was hooked up to machines on a table. "We'll see each other again. I believe that." Rey said. She gently stood up and kissed his forehead. She embraced me and looked back to Finn. "Thank you my friend." She said as we followed her outside. She adjusted the vest on her shoulders and the thick arm wraps. Leia big her farewell as she boarded the ship. "Rey." Leia said making her turn. "May the force be with you. "Rey grinned and nodded as the old general. Chewie and R2 would venture with her. She hugged me one last time before getting on the ship.

We were on our own paths now. It now seems crazy to me how I began this journey as an unbeliever of the force and how the past was. I now had the face and I an understanding of how this current republic stood. But unfortunately as I would soon discover, the past is not what is seems. 

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