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A/fuckin n: hi, call me Vamp. I'm the author and I am a huge killjoy. I've tried writing fanfic before but never like this. It's sucked before and was very bad. I will attempt this in celebration with the My Chemical Romance reunion. That's it, see you in the text. Good day - Vamp

Sleep, warm and safe in my own bed. I dream of nearly nothing, which isn't normal, but it felt good to catch a break from my usual recurring nightmares and terrors. I get trimmers, but they weren't trimmers. They were worse than trimmers, they were these terrors that affected me from a very young age. I just sleep, lucidly though. I was good at taking control some nights.

I'm not the most normal person, I'm not special at all but I sure as hell ain't normal. I live in a crowded and low budget neighborhood with my mom, dad, sister's, and my grandma. It's a pretty normal life with some weird ass family members.

My mother and grandma are white witches, and they want me to join their little "house of light". I'd rather not though. My father runs a book and music store, so I spend most my time there or with my older sisters. They practice magic but they're not too weird about it, and they give me space to speak. I'm the youngest of everyone, so it can be a little hard to get an opinion out in this house. It was cramped and hot, but that was life for us. The [L/n's], we were strange and normal all at once. Needless to say, magic and all things spiritual ran wild in me. I didn't really ask to be this way, but my grandmother decided to give me "powers" at a young age. I was maybe two or three years old when she gave me the "family gifts", clairvoyance, high spiritual discernment, and a kind heart. In her own words this is what she gave me, but what she really did was make me a ghost magnet and an empath. I didn't mind, without these powers I would've ever met my best friend.

Frank Anthony Iero Jr, he's a ghost. Oh god the absolute absurdity of this family tree! I'm the fifth person in my family to have it known and recorded that I'm friends with a spirit. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but five is too many. Frank is the only specter I'll trust with my life, even though he already lost his. I met him at the age of twelve, I'm fifteen now. Frank is eternally twenty five, yes it is a weird friendship because he's a grown man and also dead, but it's not as weird as people would say. Okay it is but it works for me.

He appeared in my bathroom in the shower and scared the shit out of me. At twelve this was traumatizing, but now it's...still traumatizing. A hilarious memory though.

I was scared to death and told my dad there was a white man smoking a cigarette in our shower...he said there wasn't and I showed him. There was definitely a scrawny white boy in there, Frank even turned on the water for dad to see, so dad called grandma. She screamed when she saw him stick his arm through my head and laughed.  Mom panicked and so began the best friendship I've ever known.

Note: if your ghost don't make your parents panic then they're not fun enough.

My family knows his presence and don't mind him much anymore. My grandma and mom tried to exercise him from the house several times. Each time he replied "I don't even lift, bro, so exercising isn't even an option," and lit a cigarette. He explained that he didn't want to leave the house, "I died in the most comfortable and peaceful place for me, my home. I know this is my purgatory, but living with you guys has become my heaven. So if you'll let me stay I'll be grateful," he explained, and I was moved. He no longer scared me and they let him stay so I called him often. I'd yell "Frank, dinner's ready!" and he'd yell back from our bathroom, "Thanks mom, but I can't eat!" and I enjoyed that a lot as a kid. He was annoyed with how much I asked questions but eventually he became my not-so-solid rock.

Oh speak of the devil! It's weird but even when asleep I can feel his presence in my room. I can feel the warmth of his aura on my shoulder. "Hey kiddo...kid it's like six in the morning, and I can't remember if you're still school aged?" Frank whispers, his voice is split in two and glitches out like he's talking through static. I shake my head, "Frankie it's still summer time, and yes I am school age. It's only June please let me sleep." I turn to see his form barley visible to me in the dark. He just shakes his head and sits at the foot of my bed. "What if I'm bored kid, c'mon it's summer apparently, so let's go do something?" He gives me a pat on the back, I just close my eyes again, "I'm still tired Frankie; can't you just stay here with me?" I reached for him, even though I couldn't really grab him. He slumped over next to me in bed, "Alright kiddo, but I'm gonna wake you up when I get bored of lazing around." And we slept, I slept I mean. Frank could only rest a little bit before he'd start sinking into the floor. That was the price of purgatory, if you rest too long heaven or hell might come for you. Hell more often then not.

So soon we were up, walking about the house.


A/n: alright this is just the beginning y'all, I'm scared for where this is gonna go. I just wanna be good for y'all. See you in the next chapter- Vamp

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