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A/n: been doing some witchy studies so we getting some actual real witchy facts in here so I don't offend any witches and actually stay true to what I'm trying to write I'm trying to be a bit more realistic. Also here's my cat being cute- Vamp

(Y/n's) p.o.v

Frank had a hand on my shoulder as a kneeled before my knew alter. I had been woken up in the middle of the night. I fed pumpkin and changed his water, his crying woke me up.

I first looked into the mirror in the bathroom. My hair was wild, I made a very rash decision after brushing my hair and partying and several different ways. I had pinned the back and front up and shaved the sides of my hair. My sideburns and temples were stubble. I figure if I'm going to be a witch I will build on my own instead of being directed by my family. This will be the first step in claiming my independence as a magical person. No more of my family's magic, my own magic is important. I look at my (y/h/c) and comb through it again, it falls and stands just right. My (y/h/t) seemed new, like this will be a rebirth.

I've set my alter, all of the elements in place and my god and goddess aren't picked out however. I will use the elements and my ancestors for now. When we sent Gerard home he had a look of sorrow in his eyes but in the end I gave him a kiss on the cheek and send him on his way. He told me I was good for him, I could feel that he meant it, so I leaned kissed him on his forehead. I know my dad saw me do it, and mom definitely saw, so she'll want to talk to me about this. Right now though, I quietly tap into the powers I was handed down.

I almost float down the stairs into the basement, being as quiet as Frank following me, his feet don't touch the ground. I do not turn on the light, I let my intuition and my hands blindly guide me through the dark damp basement. My grandma keeps all of the supplies for her spells down here. I grab sage, a white candle, three stones, black rose petals, and matches.

We float back to my room without a sound. I could here the cold wind of the house blow past my slow moving body through the air. At this point I wasn't holding what I'd grabbed, it was just floating along behind me and my feet were a few inches off the ground. My hair was whiping around like a wind was moving it despite only a small breeze breaking into my room.

I'm not sure if Frank was still following me, but things were moving on there own and I couldn't see him, so I assume it was my own craft at work. I lay all things on my alter and pray over them, calling silently to the universe to hear my call. I would be claiming myself tonight, my rebirth from being a normal kid in denial of my own magical blood, to being a full blown witch. Not just because of my blood, but because this has grown on me. The chanting, the learning, it all feels like it's been here waiting for me ever since I was born. I was made for this power over myself, this power over my future.

I'm ready for it now. I was running from being a witch because I wanted to be different from the rest of my house. Now I see it, they are just my family, they are all different in their craft and so I will be. We are the same but completely different, I'll still be me at the end of all this.

I decided to baptize myself. I made a circle with the black rose petals and stripped myself. On my altar I had a small mason jar of moon water that my grandmother made for me, I stuck two fingers into the moon water and took the drops tapping them on my forehead and letting them roll down my face. I carved the runes for peace in a white candle and ran the candle along my body before lighting it. I decided to chant my newfound freedom. In Latin I chanted: "I am free, I am my own, and I will do as I please in this life. I shall harm none but, I will explore all." I snuffed the candles flame with my fingertips and set it down. I layed in the center of my rose petal circle just staring at my ceiling. I heard the rustling of pumpkin in his cage and without even touching it I let him out. He crawled over to me and sat on my chest looking at me with intent in his small beady eyes. I took my still wet fingers over his soft black fur, baptizing him as well, he seemed to understand it, he simply closed his eyes and curled up on my bare chest.

Both of us reborn and ready for what comes next. I end up closing my eyes and letting sleep take me. I'm my in between state of sleeping and awake I hear a very unfamiliar voice in my head. "Hello can you hear me?" it asks, I don't know if I should reply. "Hello it's me, you may not know who I am just yet, but you've met me." I think I know now. "Pumpkin?" I ask back, "Right, it appears I'm here for a reason." It says, it's voice is young and soft, like a little boy. "I think I know what you are..." I say, whatever mental connection we've made gets stronger and I feel an electric jolt in my body. I sit up out of my naked stupor holding the still sleeping babe. "My familiar..." I breathe.

I leave everything how I ended my rebirth, and put pumpkin in his cage. Slipping on some shorts and climbing into my bed, letting a small pot of cage burn in my coldren. Without lifting a finger I open the window with slight crack and lock my door drifting off to sleep.

A/n: alright this is gonna get way more interesting. I know this is an X reader but I want to focus on character development more as well as a romantic subplot I want us to grow and learn something by the end of this while also falling in love. So if you just came here for fluff and eventually smut you're going to get it but you got to wait and get attached to the story I guess.-Vamp

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