Chapter 20

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~ 2 Years Later

I was walking down the hall. Lotor and Allura both walking beside me. We were going to meet with the police station Shiro and Keith work for. We wanted to become a partner with them. We wanted to help put the people who didn't want to change behind bars. I became very proud of what I do and how I affected these peoples lives. I still work behind the curtain though. So the people who don't to change don't try to track me down. Although I feel as if I haven't been doing a great job of hiding so much recently. 

Since we started this little Idea crime rates have gone down. More good is happening here. We went from 50 people at the start to now 1,000. We have helped and gotten people places to stay and jobs to work. We caught Hagar and her goons soon after we started the idea. She is behind bars for a long time. 

" You can come in now sir" I nodded at the nice woman and walked into the meeting room and sat down. I was kinda nervous but I knew Coran pretty well. We have become good friends but he never knew I was in charge of this. We walked into the room and looked at my with wide eyes. I prevented a smile trying to form on my face. 

" My boy what are you doing here?" He asked sitting down in the chair across the table.

" I'm here to make a deal." I said with a smile. He laughed.

" I should have known this was you're idea. So you want to join us?" He said folding his hands. I nodded. I'm glad he doesn't think this a bad deal.

" Yes I think it would do a lot better if I had the support of more people and places to people who don't want to change also and I can help you get the people who don't want to change." He sat to think about it.

" We would have to discuss payment options." He said with a small nod. 

" I don't want to be paid. I doing this so people can escape the life they shouldn't be in or more so want to escape from."

" The idea sounds great. I could use more men to help you but we are under staff right now"

" Don't worry we have enough people helping us right now. We can keep it under control. We just want to help and Keith said this would be a wise idea." I said as my phone rang. " I'm sorry can you excuse me?" He nodded. Allura and Lotor took over for me as I left to take the call. 

" Hello" I said picking up the phone.

" Mr. Mclain we may have a problem" The girls voice said through the phone. 

" What happened to the store?" I asked. She was in charge of my second locations. Which was also a place where people who wanted change went so I can go help them. It was the place to find me. But it was still a functioning store. I still made my own clothes. Although I have a lot more help now. 

" We never received the shipments." She said. He voice was shaking. I knew something was wrong from the moment she started speaking. 

" What do you mean? I sent them out last night" I said going along with whatever charade they were trying to pull off. 

" We never received them. They never showed up and I cant get a hold of the driver." I rolled my eyes at the lie. She was afraid though. She was probably being held at gun point. Ill have to pay her extra for this.

" Ill take care of it. Don't open up and go home. Close up the store on your way out. " I said before hanging up. I walked back into the room to see them shaking hands. " We have a problem." They both looked at me.

" Well I wont hold you up my boy. Seems like something is going. Go get them. I look forward to working with you." I smiled and gave him a hug before we left. 

" What happened?" Allura asked as we walked to the door. 

" They never received the shipments and they cant get a hold of the driver. Sad part is that I was the one who delivered the shipment myself last night. So something is wrong." Lotor laughed as he opened the door so I could get in. I put on my seat belt and processed how we were going to do this.

" Nothing gets past you?" Lotor said with a small snicker.

" Never" I said as he closed the door. I pulled out the phone to call home. 

" Hey honey whats up?" Keith's voice rang from the phone.

" I might be home late tonight." I said with a sigh. Lotor started the car and we were on our way to the shop.

" Again?" He asked with a whine.

" This is the last time. Someone is lying to me again and we are going to deal with it." I heard child laughter from the other end. I smiled. " Is Blue awake?" I asked him. 

" And she is running around." I smiled. Blue is my baby girl she has blue eyes an black hair. She loves to take naps and when she wakes up she become extreme sports baby. She jumps off of beds and rolls over constantly. I had her a couple months after I stared this. I never knew I was pregnant but I guess with everything going on I never had time to check. So she is a little over a year old.

" Ill try not to be late tonight. Is Shiro home yet?" I asked.

" He just took Luke out to go to the park." I sighed and nodded. Luke was her Twin brother. He had purple and grey eyes. He had two different colored eyes. He loves unicorns. Although he is small and has complications I know he is going to do great in this world.  

" When you get home tell him okay? I want to get you guys something special. " 

" OOO Whats it going to be?" He asked but Blue started to cry in the background.

" Better get her before. Ill talk to you later." 

" I love you" He said.

" I love you too." I said back into the phone before hanging up.  " Allura call for backup. We may need it." Lotor pulled up to the store and I got out. I opened the door and walked in. It was too quiet and the door wasn't locked. Problem one. There was the newly stocked clothes. Problem two. And there was a guy behind to counter. Problem three. I waved at Lotor to go in and he pulled his gun out before going deeper into the store.

" Now tell me why you're here?" I called out walking towards the counter. He was shocked when I got to him.

" Their in the back. I came here for refuge and they followed me." He was so afraid. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. Gun fire began to ran out. 

" Allura!" I shouted to her and she nodded. Men began to fill the room and went to the back room. I walked out of the shop and got my phone out. " We're going to need some cops." I said dialing Coran before hanging up. We got them now. I started to walk home. I needed some fresh air anyway. I haven't been outside all too much and I wanted to get them something special. Along my walk home I picked flowers and made flower crowns out of whatever I could find. I walked in the door with four flower crowns on my arms. Blue and Luke looked over at me with a wide smile. 

" PAPA!!" They shouted running towards me. They hugged my legs. My heart warmed at their embrace. 

" This ones for you and this one is for you" I said placing a red and green themed one on Blue's head. And a blue and white one on Luke's head. They shrieked and ran to the bathroom to look. I walked over to Keith and Shiro.

" So this is the surprise?" Keith asked sitting up. I sat down leaned down near both their ears and whispered. 

" The surprise is what im going to let you two do to me tonight after their asleep." A smirk rose onto their faces as I sat down in between them. They placed their hands on my thighs as the kids ran back in. I'm happy I got to this point. I am one of those people. Just not the way you think.


This is the last chapter of the book. I really hope you like the way it turned out. Thank you guys so much for reading it and helping me achieve my dreams. If you have any ideas drop them on me. I want to keep writing books for you but I need to know what you want to read so I can write it. Although yes I do have to admit I don't know a lot about most things but I will put time into learning about them if you are willing to help me. -  Winter

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