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AN: story will get better once past the TFA stage which is around chapter 12. The chapters before then are slightly shorter but I've recently renewed this story and have started writing longer chapters. Please be patient with me!

I awoke abruptly, unaware of my surroundings. I hastily attempted to sit up but soon realized I was shackled to a table, both my arms and legs being restrained.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I turned to see a storm trooper looking at me warningly, blaster in arm.

I mentally crossed my arms, "and why not?"

"Commander Ren will be here momentarily."

"Well it's not exactly like I have a way of escaping anyways, do I?" I replied back smartly.

Before he could reply the door opened and in he walked - the so called "commander Ren". I rolled my eyes.

"You may leave now," he directed to the storm trooper.

"Ahhh Commander Ren. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked smirking. His little facade didn't scare me really, it was my feelings that did, but I stowed them away for when I was alone.

"Don't play coy," he replied. I huffed irritatedly - the stupid mask annoys me to no end. However, on the other hand, I almost prefer it on. I'm unsure of how I'd react if I were to see his face. 

I instantly felt him probing my mind, or at least trying to. This went on for a solid 5 minutes and I could practically feel my forehead now beaded with sweat. My body was aching with the physical strength it took to reject him from my mind.

"You'll have to give into me eventually. I can do this all day. You, however, don't really have anywhere you can go," I could feel him smirking through his mask and his modulized voice.

I stayed silent before I had an idea. I'm not really sure if it's smart or endlessly stupid but it was worth a try.

I let him in.

I faintly heard a gasp before focusing myself back on my thoughts. I thought about every time we had been together - all the intimate moments, the fleeting glances in trainings, and the little rendezvous we would have in the middle of the night. I pictured him outside of the temple, by a nearby lake, on one bended knee asking me to marry him. We weren't supposed to be together, after all we were Jedi in training, but we didn't care. We were going to run away.

I felt my neck beginning to constrict on its own. I could feel my airways tighten and my breath supply decreasing rapidly. I opened my eyes and thrashed about. I looked over and saw he had his arm outstretched. He was force choking me. I let a single tear fall as I accepted my fate as well as accepted who he had become. After what felt like lifetimes, and after I had readily felt death creeping up on me, he released his hold.

On instinct I reached to comfort my neck, but I was stopped by the restraints which were now painfully digging into my ankles and wrists.

"I hate you," I coughed lightly, my voice raspy from his previous assault on my throat.

"From what you just showed me, I strongly doubt that," he stated. We had a brief staring match before I felt my arms and legs becoming lighter. He had let me out of the restraints.

I'm confused and tired and hungry and overall exhausted.

I move to stand, but quickly begin to fall to the ground with my now-frail body. I was readying myself for the impact, but it never came. Instead, he caught me, hoisted me into his arms, and began to walk out of the interrogation room.

"You're weak," he spit, turning corners and briskly walking down different hallways before stopping in front of a door.

I didn't even bother to argue. I was too exhausted and I'm not sure if I even had the ability to speak right now after his "ever-so-gentle" interrogation.

He stepped inside to what was clearly a room. It was dark, covered in mostly black with a few white accents here and there. It was aesthetically pleasing to my eyes, but I quickly reminded myself where I was.

He set me down on the bed quietly before turning to another door located across from the bed.

He began to walk through before he turned back around and spoke, "Get your rest. Tomorrow we train."

I felt my body fill with dread before slowly succumbing to the sleep I now so desperately needed.

AN: hey guys! Please tell me how you're liking my story - I always love feedback and constructive criticism! :)

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