Convincing (NSFW)

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A couple hours had passed since my little altercation with Hux. I was finishing up yet another verse in my journal when I heard the door open and close, footsteps drawing nearer.

"Yes commander?" I ask, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, not bothering to look up.

He clears his throat and waits for me to make eye contact. Tilting my head in concentration as my tongue peeks out between my teeth, I make one last edit before I look up to him. I find he's not alone.

"Oh," I reply startled.

"My staff is here to collect your things," he replies. His helmet is on, hands clasped behind his back as usual.

My heart plummets. "Am I—are you sending me away?"

He visibly flinches before clearing his throat once again, "no, of course not". He almost sounds offended.

"We will be moving quarters. Follow me," he states. Motioning his hand for me, I take it and let him lead me out the door.

We go up a floor and to the very end of the hall. I'm still utterly perplexed but my intrigue wins out so I don't question it.

"Test the pad," he says. I look to the right and see a handprint scanner. I place my hand on it and am surprised when I'm gained access. Kylo places his hand on my lower back encouraging my feet to move forward.

The first thing I notice is a giant viewing window. I can see stars upon stars and I run up to it, my hands plastered to the glass.

I hear a slight hiss and turn to see Kylo with his mask off. "Kylo it's—it's beautiful," I smile.

"Would you like to see the rest?" He asks, holding his hand out for me once again. I give him a small nod.

The room with the viewing area turned out to be a nice sized kitchen filled with all of the latest appliances. I hold back a laugh at the thought of Kylo cooking.

He leads me into another room and I let out a small gasp. Inside is a huge bedroom with a four poster bed, black satin sheets adorning it, another viewing window, only this one is bigger. Dark side tables make home on either side of the bed. He leaves me no time to dwell before bringing me into the giant en suite bathroom.

"My new personal favorite," he smirks, leaving me with a bright scarlet painted aggressively across my cheeks.

I let go of his hand and walk to the counter, noting two sinks. "Is this your subtle way of asking me to move in with you?"

"Is it working?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hmm...I may need some convincing," I run my fingers delicately across the edge of the sink.

"What kind of convincing do you require?" He asks, brow raised.

"I'm sure you'll think of something," I wink, giving him a pat on the shoulder I move to leave before he pulls me back to him.

He lets out a low growl, "where do you think you're going?"

A sudden, and I admit, slightly unwarranted, burst of anger escapes me as I push him away, "is this how this is going to be?"

He looks desperately confused, "I'm sorry? Have I missed something?"

"You're always questioning where I'm going," I huff, pushing past him and into the bedroom.

"You're mine. I have a right to know," he replies back angrily.

"I'm not your property Kylo. Don't you trust me?" I whine.

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