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The next time I wake I find myself back in my room. I'm utterly perplexed and reach towards the back of my head, readying myself for the pain, but it doesn't come.

I'm about to get up and find Kylo but I hear a disturbance coming from next door. I tentatively open the door conjoining our two rooms, and find him tangled in his sheets, a light sheen of sweat covering him. He's thrashing about and all I hear from him is an urgent, steady stream of "No".

Without thinking I rush over and hold him down, "I'm right here."

He awakes with a start and jolts upward. He looks at me confusedly.

"Char?" He asks, eyes wide in awe.

I blush as I register that he's said my name, my nick name. It's the first time he's said my name since I've been here and I didn't realize how much I'd longed to hear it spill from his lips.

"Yeah, I'm right here. Everything's okay." I coo.

He nods, still seemingly out of it. I turn to leave before he grasps my hand. "Stay."

I don't say anything as I crawl in bed next to him and soon we're both fast asleep.

I awake the next morning notating that it was perhaps the best sleep I've gotten in months, maybe even years. I look up and realize I'm curled into Kylo's side. I feel my lips pull into a small smile, admiring him as he sleeps. He looks so peaceful.

I'm unsure how long I had watched him like that but eventually he wakes up.

"What are you doing?" He barks. I cringe back at his harsh tone.

"I was — you had a —" I stutter utterly perplexed at the sudden change. I thought we were progressing. I guess I was wrong.

"Leave." He demands, his tone and posture both rigid.

I crawl out of his bed, not unlike a child, and slowly make my way back to my room dejectedly.

"NOW" he yells.

I turn around to give him a glare before entering back into my room and effectively slamming the door shut as hard as I can. He's such..he's such an asshole.

"Training is in 10. Don't be late," he says menacingly through the door. I pick up the object nearest to me and throw it. I knock over a table lamp and watch as it shatters into pieces on the floor. I don't really have it in me to care or to clean it up.

I huff frustratedly and finish getting ready. I make my way down to the training room, making sure to knock when I get there.

He opens the door and his face contorts into a face full of disgust. I roll my eyes and push passed him and into the room.

"So what today? Choking? Burning? You gonna tie me up and cut me in half with your lightsaber?" I spew angrily.

He looks at me, shock evident in his features. He quickly recovers and sends me a smirk, "you're angry."

"WOW. Way to go genius! What gave that away?" I turn to the weapons vaults, opening a drawer absentmindedly.

"Use that to fuel you. Give into it." He coaxes.

I soon realize what he's doing and count to 10 in my head backwards, silently urging myself to calm down. This is what he wants.

"No!" He seemingly realizes what I'm attempting to do and I hear him clamber towards me. I see a knife glimmer under the dim lights above and reach for it. Before I know it I'm throwing it at him, but unsurprisingly he blocks it.

"Are you crazy?!" He screams.

I just shrug with a small smile on my face, happy at myself that I've thrown him off guard.

"You've done worse," I say spitefully.

He takes a step back, as if I had slapped him. "Get out!"

"What about training?" I ask with a smirk, intentionally getting under his skin.

I didn't hear anything so I turn around, thinking he's gone, but I find him right behind me.

He pins me to the wall and my breath hitches in my throat, "I will break you."

I push him away from me and make my way towards the exit.

"Just don't be surprised when I do," I turn around to give him one last glare before making my way back to my room.

You Can't Save Me - A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now