I'm Sorry.

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After sulking for probably a bit too long I decide to get up and make myself look presentable - ie: fixing my makeup and trying to stop my head from bleeding out. I've heard small gossip about Canto Bight and I don't want to make myself the center of attention because the commander decided to choke me out.

I take a quick shower, rinsing the already dried blood from my scalp, wincing as I do so. Fuck, I hate him, this hurts like a bitch. I towel myself off, removing my smudged makeup, and get back into the ensemble I was in before. I quickly blow dry my hair and decide to do a deep smokey eye, my small, somewhat pitiful, form of revenge.

I look in the mirror and allow myself a small smile - I look fucking hot. I curl my hair and smile again at the finished product. This is the kind of attention I wouldn't mind getting. He was jealous before? He sure as hell is in for a show now. Asshole.

I hear a small knock on the door and open it, revealing Vicrul. He stops in his tracks, floundering like a fish out of water. I smirk, "can I help you Vicrul?" He clears his throat, "yes, ummm, we're landing in 5 minutes. Master Ren wanted me to let you know to buckle in." I roll my eyes and cross my arms against my chest, pushing my breasts up and internally smirking watching Vicrul struggle not to look. "Did he? How kind of him," I reply sickly sweet and push passed Vicrul before buckling myself into a seat. The rest of the knights throw appraising glances my way as they suit up and put on their helmets. More fucking helmets. What is with these men and helmets?

I unbuckle myself as we land, softly this time, making Kylo's earlier negligence that much more apparent. I watch as the ramp lowers and Kylo makes his way out of the cockpit. I give him a sideways glance, seeing him halt in place at my appearance. I pay him no additional attention before turning and making my way down the ramp. I stop at the bottom as I realize I have absolutely no clue where I'm supposed to be going.

I instantly feel a harsh tug on my arm. Kylo. I attempt to free myself but his grip is too tight. "Let. Me. Go." I growl. "What do you think you're doing?" He growls back. I flutter my eyelashes, "why commander, I have no idea what you're talking about." He huffs and releases me forcefully, I stumble slightly but regain my composure.

He leads us away from the ship and I let out a low gasp. Canto Bight is more than the gossip I've heard - it's extravagant, rich, and reeks of the elite. What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I didn't realize I'd stopped until Kylo is in front of me, holding out a hand. A peace offering? "Come," he instructs, motioning again for me to take his hand. I look down at it, back at him, and purposefully walk away.

We arrive to a luxurious hotel, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. I don't belong here. I hear a gasp as someone runs up to me, "CHARLOTTE LOX?!!" I give her a small smile and tuck a stray hair behind my ear, "hi, do I know you?" She stutters, "I'm so sorry, I just never thought I'd meet you. You just disappeared and now here you are in front of me and I can't believe it's you. I'm your biggest fan."

For a moment I had completely forgotten who I was before Kylo. I give her a wide smile and notice she has a magazine in her hand, my face plastered on the front page, "would you like me to sign that for you?" She looks at me with wide eyes, "oh my gods, would you?" I give a small laugh and reach for the magazine, turning to the knights, "gentlemen? Anyone have a pen?" They all shake their heads no and I start to make my way towards the clerk desk to ask for a pen. Kylo pulls me back, "There's no time for this!" I pull myself from him, dusting myself off for dramatic effect, "then make some."

I walk with the girl to the desk and get a pen from the clerk, "what's your name sweetie?"

"Maddie," she replies giddily. I sign the magazine for her and hand it back, looking behind her to see Kylo huffing and checking his watch. What a drama king. The girl begins to look nervous, "umm, do you have an idea if you'll be back recording soon? We all miss you." Did everyone know you were taken by the First Order? "I hope so," I give her a sad smile. "This isn't the end for me. Have a great rest of your day," I pull her in for a hug, her frame shaking. "Thank you," she replies before walking away.

You Can't Save Me - A Kylo Ren FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora