Supreme Leader

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I take a deep breath and follow closely behind Kylo. As soon as I see him perched on his throne in the middle of this room I immediately shy away. Kylo briefly turns around, eyes full of concern, he gives me a small nod of encouragement and rests his hand on the small of my back, helping me mindlessly move my feet forward.

This room appears to go on for ages. There's only a dimly lit pathway leading up to the Supreme Leader who is sitting precariously on his throne, confidence and power coursing through him, radiating throughout the room.

All too soon we arrive at the feet of the Supreme Leader. I keep my head down, too afraid to look into his eyes. The eyes that were somehow able to turn Ben into the shell of a man next to me.

He gives a dark chuckle, "She's got a strong spirit. She will serve us well."

I look up in shock. His observation of me is brief but I'm unsure how he was able to gather that much about me in such little time.

"Yes master," Kylo speaks and I look at him out of the corner of my eyes. His head is bowed and he's on one knee. My breath gets caught in my throat at the memory of the last time I saw him on one knee, only this time it is much, much different. I shove the thoughts from my mind and focus solely on the dark side.

"Her heart hasn't turned. She doesn't know her raw power yet. You were tasked with making her see her true strength. What progress have you made?" At this point he hasn't looked at me once which only has me fidgeting nervously, and somewhat irritatedly, next to Kylo.

"She's making small improvements. She's quite good at sparing and has mastered keeping others out of her head."

He tsks, "I would have hoped you would be much further along by now. I expected more from you as her teacher."

"I'm sorry master. I will not fail. I will see to it that she uses the force by the end of the week." I look over at him again. I'm trembling, and I'm unsure if it's in fear or anger, perhaps a bit of both. My mind is running rampant.

"Yes!" I look up abruptly and see a gleam in his eyes. Without thinking I glare at him which only furthers his enthusiasm.

He turns to Kylo once again, ignoring me, which continues to fuel my anger. "She's fiesty. I think we've upset her."

Before I can reign myself in I'm speaking, "yeah well it's a little rude to talk about a person whilst they're in front of you and not address them."

Kylo looks panicked next to me while the Supreme Leader just bellows. I cringe back after the realization of what I'd done hit me. This time he looks at me intently. I feel him picking around my brain and as much as I try I can't get him out.

"Ahhh young love," he smiles sinisterly.

"That's private!" I yell angrily, I'm unable to control myself.

"Charlotte," Kylo hisses next to me. The Supreme Leader holds up his hand to stop him.

He looks me dead in the eyes, "young girl, do yourself a favor and give in to the dark side. It's the only way to get what your heart truly desires."

My heart drops and a part of me wonders if he's not wrong. I realize that I'd been holding on to hope so long that I could save him, bring him back. I've seen glimpses of Ben, maybe it's still possible, but I have to go along with this for now until I can be sure.

He doesn't give me a chance to reply before turning back to Kylo, "see to it that she journeys with you tomorrow."

Kylo's head snaps up - I could tell he had been focusing on keeping himself calm amongst my outburst. He looks nervous, and in lieu of speaking he just nods.

"That is all. I expect to see progress when I call upon you next," he tells Kylo warningly.

"Yes master, I will not disappoint you," Kylo replies before grabbing my arm roughly and leading me out of the room.

As soon as we are in the hallway he pushes me against the wall, "are you crazy?! Did you not hear anything I said before we walked in there?!"

I looked down at my feet. "I don't like him in my head," I mumble.

"Yeah well get used to it," he huffs.

I sigh dejectedly and follow him. We arrive to the training room.

He walks in before I do, and I hear a whirring sound. I arrive to find him holding a bright pink lightsaber.

I muffle a laugh, "pink looks good on you. Truly your color."

He rolls his eyes, annoyed, and throws the saber to me. Luckily I catch it without singeing any of my clothing, or body parts.

"It's yours."

I look down at it, feeling the weight of his words, "wha—what? No."

"Yes. You're going with me tomorrow. That's final."

"What can I expect?" I ask softly.

"To use that," he points to the saber in my hand before making his way towards the exit.

"Use tonight to practice. You may be a bit rusty. Use the Force if you have to," he winks at the last part but leaves before I can throw him a glare.

I spend most of the night trying to recollect everything I had learned in my Jedi training days. I had truthfully blocked most of it out, but upon twirling the saber around in my hand a few times it all comes back naturally. I feel invigorated and refreshed, reborn. I felt a concerning high from even just holding it. It felt like it belonged to me.

At around 4am I decide to finally break and make my way back to my chambers to rest up before our journey tomorrow. As my eyes flutter closed, visions dance in my head, readying myself mentally for tomorrow. I take one last nervous huff before calming my breathing and succumbing to sleep.

You Can't Save Me - A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now