Do You Have a Death Wish?

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AN: I'm sorry to my Tik Tok fam. I know I said this would be up Sunday but depression hit me like a bus. This is a filler and I hope it doesn't suck as much as I feel it does. As usual, any and all feedback is welcome.

WARNING: this chapter contains violence. If that bothers you, please skip and wait for my next upload

I awake to frigid sheets once again and sigh. I sit up in bed remembering the night previous and offer myself a small smile.

I jump slightly as the bathroom door opens. A gasp leaves my lips as Kylo walks out, towel hanging loosely around his waist. I feel a familiar tug in my abdomen at the sight and instinctually rub my thighs together for friction. He towels his hair, droplets of water trailing down his naked form.

He finally looks at me with a smirk. He's such a bastard. "Do you like the view?" He asks, repeating my question from the night prior. I smirk back, "I'm not complaining."

He lets out a small laugh, "get ready, wheels up in 30."

"Fuck. I haven't even packed! Kylo, why didn't you wake me sooner!" I berate. "Relax, I've already packed for you. Canto is a little...well, you'll see when we get there." He assures me. I sigh. I'd been to plenty of planets across the galaxy but never Canto Bight. He holds his hand out for me, "come. I've already laid something out for you."

I take his hand as he leads me to our walk-in closet. In it hangs a beautiful maroon floor length gown with a plunging neckline.

I put the gown on and admire the way it fits, hugging my curves perfectly and accentuating my breasts

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I put the gown on and admire the way it fits, hugging my curves perfectly and accentuating my breasts. I look in the full-length mirror. Kylo comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Gorgeous," he whispers. He kisses my neck and releases me, directing me to complete my ensemble. I decide upon some pretty, gold heels and small diamond studs.

Kylo walks back in clothed and with a small velvet box. "What is that?" I ask confusedly. He smiles, "open it." I do as he instructs and let out a gasp. Inside held a beautiful gold-chained necklace, a red ruby dangling at the end. "''s beautiful." He smiles again, "I thought you'd like it. Turn around." I turn and he whisks my hair to the side, securing the piece of jewelry around my neck. I look in the mirror again and grin, "Kylo, it's perfect. Thank you." He returns my smile and gives me a small peck on the lips, "anything for you angel."

He leads me out of our quarters and towards the loading docks, sans helmet - thank gods, I hate that fucking thing. He places his hand low on my back and a shiver runs down my spine at the gesture. As he continues leading us to our destination I can't help but notice all eyes are on us, people bowing out of their way in both fear and awe. Kylo adjusts his hand and wraps it around my waist protectively, pulling me into him. "Commander, are you...jealous?" I whisper. He gives me a brief look but doesn't directly answer my question, "you can't hear the vile things they're thinking about you." I let out a low 'hmm', "that may be so, but it's you I'm walking beside, not them." His hand grips my side harder in response, surely to cause bruising if there already isn't some from last night.

We arrive to the bay and Kylo reluctantly lets me go. He goes to speak to the engineering staff, ensuring everything is in order for our departure. As soon as he's satisfied he leads me up the ramp.

When I walk inside I almost stop in my tracks at the intimidating men seated around the common area. Kylo pushes me forward, "these are my knights - Vicrul, Ushar, Trudgen, Cardo, and Ap'lek."

"So this is the girl we've been hearing about!" one man, Vicrul I think, states. Kylo shoots him a glare but he brushes it off. Vicrul reaches out his hand to shake mine, "Vicrul, nice to meet you." He winks and Kylo emits a low growl, "remember your place."

I turn slightly and place my hand on his chest, "relax, he's just being nice." He scoffs but looks to me, fire dancing in his eyes, "follow me. You're sitting next to me in the cockpit." I give the knights a final, polite nod before departing.

Kylo releases me and sits in the pilots seat. I lean against the entryway, "so you learned how to fly?" He gives me brief glance as he starts flipping switches and pressing buttons but doesn't reply, only motioning for me to sit in the co-pilot seat.

"Your dad would've been proud," I let it slip before I even knew what I was saying. Kylo ceases all movements, hand hovering over a switch. "What did you just say?" His voice lethal. "I—Kylo—I didn't...I wasn't—" I stutter, word vomit spewing from my mouth as I attempt to get out of the mess my mouth created in the first place.

Before I know it I'm thrown into the side panel, his hand secured tightly against my throat. "Do you have a death wish?" He growls. I attempt to shake my head but he has a vice grip on my throat and I'm only able to get in small spurts of air. Even in the interrogation room all those weeks ago was nothing compared to this. I claw at his hands begging for release. Tears are stinging my tear ducts and I'm praying he can see the apology in my eyes. "Ky—lo", I gargle. My vision is blackening and hazy from lack of oxygen and I know any second I'm going to submit to it. He gives me one last look before releasing me. My lungs are screaming as I start gulping in air.

"You'll be punished later. Don't think I'm going to go easy on you," he hisses, sitting back down and flipping one last switch before I feel the ship rumble to life. He doesn't give me time to situate before he navigates out of the bay and into light speed. My body flys back into the side panel and my head cracks against the surface. I let out a low groan and bring my hand up to my head, removing it and seeing crimson. A miserable walk down memory lane. I look up only to see a slight smirk on his face. Before I had felt bad at my innocent comment but now I'm fuming. He's finding joy in my pain.

I stand, wobbling slightly before regaining my composure. I move to walk out of the cockpit before his arm swings out halting my movements. He doesn't even look at me, "where do you think you're going?" I fling his arm aggressively away from me, "anywhere away from you."

I stomp past his knights, too embarrassed by the fact that they probably just witnessed their master throw me around like a rag doll. I lock myself in one of the bedrooms on board and slowly sink down to the floor. My head is pounding but I can already tell it's not quite as bad as the time in the training room. I attempt to calm myself, but the tears start flowing and I can't make them stop. Just this morning he was so sweet, telling me I'm gorgeous and giving me jewelry. Now it's like I'm nothing, nothing but leftover trash to be thrown away.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

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