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I wake up the next morning and decide to wander the corridors. I didn't really want to see Kylo today.

I follow every twist and turn and am soon fascinated by the vast size of this ship. If Kylo wasn't so Kylo, I'd almost be impressed that he runs all of this.

I turn down a hallway that I'm surely not supposed to be in, but I internally shrug, not caring a single bit. I open a door and am surprised to see a piano silhouetted in the center of the room. I gasp and walk towards it eagerly. I let my fingers run over the keys, they're taunting me, begging me to play.

I close the door to the room and sit down at the piano bench. I begin to play one of my older, more happier songs. I could use a little happy right now. I play for what must be hours before I decide I should return to my room, that is, if Kylo hasn't destroyed it yet thinking I've gone.

I immediately run straight into someone, not paying any attention as I was focused on my inner ramblings. "I'm so sorry," I say hurriedly.

I look up and see a storm trooper. "Are you Miss Lox?"

"Who is asking?"

"Commander Ren has given direct orders that you are to stay in your quarters unless accompanied by him. I must take you back to your room," he speaks and the simple monotone of his voice is already scratching irritatingly inside my head.

I sigh, "very well then."

We march back to my room and Kylo steps out before we even reach the door. He ignores me and addresses the trooper. He looks stressed and tense.

"Where was she?"

"The piano room sir. The one you had us—" my ears perked up at what he was about to say, but all too soon Kylo has shushed him and sent him away.

I look up at him and suddenly feel under a white hot spotlight. "Are you going to move so I can come in or am I not allowed in there too?"

"How'd you find it?" He asks intrigued, ignoring my previous question.

"Oh, umm, I don't know I was just kind of pulled towards it. I can never resist a piano," I smile to myself.


"Wait," by this time he's walked back into my room and is splayed lazily across a chair in the corner.

"You had it installed. For me," my heart speeds up at this realization.

His eyes soften for a moment before he builds his walls back up. "I know your love for music. I know the force would call you towards it and you took the bait," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"I hate you," I spit. He looks as if I'd slapped him.

"Don't you get it?! I'm trying to make this easier for you," he's grabbed me by my shoulders and is shaking me desperately.

I push him off of me, "nothing about this is easy."

I don't give him time to say anything else as I close myself in the washroom and turn on the faucet for a shower. Once I finish, I wrap myself in a towel absentmindedly, forgetting that the possibility of Kylo still being in my room was very high.

I walk out and let out a small shriek as I see him, still lounging on the chair. I see a shadow of a smile pull at the corners of his lips.

"Umm can you, like, get out?!" I yell, pulling the towel tighter against me.

He moves to stand up and begins to make his way back to his room before turning around, "It's nothing I haven't seen before."

He shoots a wink my way and I'm speechless, "Yeah, well, good luck—trying to...okay." By now he's already closed the door connecting our rooms but I'm sure I heard him chuckle at my awkwardness.

I begin to think of all the intimate moments him and I had shared and I start to feel a bit heady. I shut it off immediately and sit down on my bed, my face burning with what I'm sure is an aggressive scarlet blush.

As soon as I begin to muster the motivation to get off my bed and get dressed Kylo bursts into my room.

"What the hell?!"

"Get dressed. Now. The Supreme Leader wants to meet you." He looks desperately stressed and I take that as a strong indication that I should be too.

My hearts racing and I don't move.

"Charlotte??" I look up and see his panicked eyes. I'm guessing the Supreme Leader does not like to be kept waiting.

I stand and make my way over to my dresser. I grab some clothes before looking pointedly at Kylo. I motion towards the clothes in my hand, "do you mind?"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he quickly turns around and only faces back towards me when he hears the zipping of my boots.

He says nothing as he leads me to the room, but as soon as we arrive to the doors he pulls me to the side.

"Look, you may be able to keep me out of your head but you're not strong enough to keep him out. Be careful with your thoughts," he gives me a quick nod as soon as he sees that I've registered this information.

He's about to open the door but turns around again, "it's Supreme Leader, nothing else, understood?" He looks at me grimly as I nod my head in understanding.

I get the feeling that Kylo is afraid of this "Supreme Leader" so I gather myself together and focus on the dark side. That's what he will want. I can't show him my weakness.

Unfortunately, my weakness is right next to me.

You Can't Save Me - A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now