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I awake to a light tapping sound. I flutter my eyes open and slowly stand, bringing my covers with me. I look for the noise and deduce that it's coming from the door connecting our rooms.

I shyly open it. After yesterday I'm unsure how to react around him anymore. "Yes?" I ask meekly, not looking up at him.

He clears his throat and I look up, my breath immediately hitching.

"I brought you these. They should be the correct size," he says, holding out a pair of combat boots. I look at him dumbly.

"An 8, right?" He asks, motioning them closer to me.

I tentatively take them, still in shock at his change in demeanor, "oh yes, umm, thank you."

I look back up at him and internally sigh as I see the shift in his eyes - they're dark again, "meet me in the training room in 5."

I finish lacing up my new boots and run out of my room and down the hall to the training room. I stop abruptly at the door and take a deep breath as I wrap my hand around the doorknob and twist.

When I walk in he has his back turned to me - he's messing around with something in one of the weapons vaults. I clear my throat to make him aware of my presence but all too soon I'm forcefully thrown against the wall of mirrors.

"Shit," he curses, realizing it's only me. He hurriedly rushes over to me, bending down to assess the damage he's done.

I groggily sit up, holding my head as I do so. A sharp pain shoots through my skull and I let out an involuntary groan at the sensation. When I bring my hand back in front of me it's covered in crimson.

"I'm - I didn't mean - I'm," he's flustered and I hold out my other hand to hush him. His incessant mumbling is making the pain in my head more unbearable.

"Just get me to the hospital wing," I reply, my voice already filling with exhaustion. My vision is blurring and I know I'm only minutes away from giving into the cloudiness possessing my mind.

He nods solemnly and helps me stand. "Can you walk?"

I send him a murderous glare before he gets the hint and picks me up, carrying me to the hospital wing.

I don't remember when but somewhere between the training room and medical unit I gave into my fight against consciousness.

I wake up to a bright light blinding me. I squint and attempt to bring my arm up to shield myself from the effervescence, but I'm held back by needles and tubes, punctured into my arm, now tangled together due to my motions.

"Hey, be careful," I hear someone speak. "It's okay, you're okay."

It was the first kind voice I had heard since I got on this fucking ship. I look to find the source and am shocked to see Be—Kylo. I swallow, a slight stinging in my tear ducts at my internal vocalization of his new name.

He looks slightly haggard in appearance since I saw him in the training room not long have I even been here?

"Two days," I didn't realize I had verbalized my thoughts, but he's quick to reply.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"You've been here two days," he sighs. He's not looking at me, instead his head is in his hands. His hair is unruly and I wonder if he still runs his fingers through it when he's upset.

"Oh," was all I said.

He looks up at me, "look, I'm so sorry. I didn't—"

I cut him off. "It's fine. You didn't know it was me."

He scoffs right as a doctor walks in, holding a clipboard, a nurse trailing closely behind him. Kylo stands up abruptly.

"I thought I told you someone was to be stationed outside at all times. She's been awake for at least 5 minutes and not one person has been in here," at this point Kylo is shaking.

"I'm so—so sorry Lord Ren. There was a raid and a lot of troopers are—"

"I don't care. Is she stable?" He asks frustratedly, combing his fingers through his hair. Yup, he still does that. My heart beats faster at my observation and my heart monitor starts to beep. Fuck.

The doctor and nurse stand there confusedly. "What's wrong?!" Kylo yells.

They rush over to me and the doctor injects me with a blue liquid. I immediately feel relaxed and the heart monitor quiets down.

"What the hell happened?!" Kylo shouts. The nurse takes a slight step back in fear.

"I'm sorry sir. I think—I think you may be making her anxious," the nurse speaks up and I'm shocked at her bravery.

Kylo huffs. "Leave us," he demands, using the force to shoo them out of the room and close the door.

I look at him timidly. "What?" He barks.

"You don't—you don't have to be so rude. They're just..they're just trying to help," I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah well they should have—wait...are you...are you scared of me?" he asks, a look of hurt evident in his eyes.

He moves to come closer to me and I instinctually flinch back.

"I won't hurt you," he says, his voice cracking towards the end.

"You already have."

You Can't Save Me - A Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now