5 | Boris

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A/N: This chapter is a bit longer and as I'm currently ill, I didn't proof-read it so please bear with me if there are any errors or weird sentences! :)


Days passed. Last period had ended long ago as I headed to my bicycle. The sun was shining and it was fairly hot outside. With quick footsteps I stepped into the schoolyard, passing a few students and approaching the bike racks around the corner. I soon spotted my old bicycle with the scraped off silverish lacquer. It was by far the ugliest here at the bike racks but Larry's bike had served me well so far so I didn't mind it at all.

I'd just unlocked the bike lock as I perceived a low voice next to me, making me flinch.

"Ah, the new kid from Atlanta..."

My head whipped towards the tall guy with the black and red base-cap. Arms folded he was leaning against the lamppost, grinning like an idiot with a cigarette between his teeth. I recognised him at once: He was the weird one I'd bumped into the other day before I'd helped the boy with black curled hair picking up his books. The weird guy was wearing the same sleeveless jeans jacket.

"And you are..?", I tried to retort in an unimpressed way although his appearance let a cold shiver run down my spine.

"Jax. I'm quite disappointed you haven't heard of me already", He motioned his right hand to the cigarette to take a drag, revealing a black snake tattoo on the inner side of his upper arm. "What was your name again?"

"(Y/N). How do you know I'm from Atlanta?", I asked carefully.

A slight smug smile appeared on his face as he shrugged. "Gossip, I guess. Nothing gets past me. You made quite a scene here for showing up during the finals, huh? People really like to talk about you"

I got a nervous pang in my stomach. "And what do they say about me?"

"Hmm...I could tell you. But what do I get therefore?" Jax raked his fingers through his brown gelled hair while his blue eyes stared at me. I just frowned in disbelieve and grabbed my bike, aiming to sit on and breeze off quickly but Jax was faster and quickly reached for the handlebars, making me freeze in my position. He once again gave me that wicked, somehow menacing grin. "You wanna leave already? I'm curious, (Y/N), tell me why did you come here in this hellhole of school rather than staying in beautiful Atlanta?"

I swallowed slightly. "That's none of your business", I muttered and tried to rip the bike of his grip but Jax just tightened his grip around the handlebars. Suddenly his grin vanished and his expression got dead serious. I didn't stand a chance - He was way stronger with his muscular arms. And now I even made him annoyed. Well done...

"You don't want to act rude in my presence, trust me princess" Princess?? I felt like I was about to vomit any time. "You may not know me well yet but I can assure you you really don't want to upset me"

Fear rose in me but yet I found the guts to speak up, which rather turned out as a whisper. "Let go of my bike"

Jax rose his eyebrow in disbelief, his gaze was piercing. "Did you say something?" I bet he did hear it but wanted me to fall in line and to pay respect to him.

"Leave her alone!", someone shouted in our direction. Our gazes jolted to the boy with the black curled hair. Jax withdrew his arm from my bike and folded his arms as the pale boy with the dark red pullover approached us. Thank god.

Jax let out a dry laugh. "Well, well. What do we have here? The famous Ukrainian boy. Don't say you two are a thing" He let out a mocking laugh.

Did they know each other?

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐗𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 [Xandra x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now