Oregon State Law

34 13 4

Medford, Oregon

Daniel: *driving on Interstate 5 southbound* I need gas! *takes the exit* Gotta find a gas station! Ah, here we go! *pulls into the gas station*

Gas Station Attendant: Fill her up, Sir?

Daniel: I can do it myself, thank you.

Gas Station Attendant: Sir, this is Oregon. It's illegal to pump your own gas in this state.

Daniel: I thought it was just New Jersey?

Gas Station Attendant: The same applies for Oregon! Let me pump the gas!

Daniel: I should have waited till I got in California, to get gas.

Gas Station Attendant: Did you come from Washington State, sir?

Daniel: Yes, why you ask?

Gas Station Attendant: I saw the Washington State license plate on your car.

Daniel: Yes.

Gas Station Attendant: What part of WA?

Daniel: Spokane.

Gas Station Attendant: Okay. Just remember, this is Oregon. Have a safe trip, wherever you're going.

Daniel: I'm headed to California, and thanks. *drives off and gets back on Interstate 5 south towards the California border*

This story was written on Thursday, January 9th, 2020.

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