Chapter 2 - New beginnings part 2

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(y/n) P.O.V 

I walked back home with the box in my hands and the little guy,I looked down to see him still sitting down and crossing his arms staring at the wall of the box.I looked back up to see my apartment i open the door with my left hand and closed it with the same hand,I walked to the kitchen and placed the box on the counter i was gonna get him out of the box but he got out himself so i decided to look on top of the fridge to look for a hammer and screw driver.

??? P.O.V

I was thinking what (y/n) was gonna do i couldn't tell her anything since i have this collar around my neck i'm just hoping shes not gonna leave me but i still don't trust her what if shes just acting nice so she could torture me i stopped thinking once i heard the door shut.I looked around i guess this is the "home" she was talking about we went into the kitchen she placed me down on the counter so i just climbed out of the box while she was looking for something.I sat down while looking around until in the corner of my eye i see her with a screw driver and a hammer,I panicked and started running away from her but i was at edge of the counter until i got grabbed from my hoodie.

(y/n) P.O.V

I finally found the hammer and screw driver but once he saw it he started running i walked behind him slowly not trying to scare him but he ran out of places to run he was at the edge until i grabbed his hoodie.Then he growled loud and bit me i didn't care about the pain i never did i always thought that was fine not be able to feel pain so i told him "Are you ok?"He seemed surprised i would too if i bit someone and they seem fine with it.The silence filled the room until he finally stopped biting me so i put him back on the counter then started using a screw driver he was scared as if i was gonna hurt him i told him in a gentle calm voice "don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just gonna take the collar off of you and after that you can talk to me and tell me your name."

??? P.O.V 

I started to growl and bit her but she seemed not to react to what just happen i thought i was gonna get punished so i closed my eyes but after silence took over i open my eyes to see nothing happen so she put me back on the counter and took a screw driver i got scared but after what she told me i calmed down a bit but i didn't want to give her my name yet.After she took it off she cleaned her hand and put a bandage over it and she stared back at me.

(y/n) P.O.V

"Are you ok?" I said he shook his head slow up and down "You wanna ask me some questions and in returned can i ask you questions?"He shook his up and down i wondered why he hasn't talked yet?He asked me "why did you helped me?" "I just wanted to make sure you were safe and ok since that guy dropped the box as if it was nothing."I said he saw me with hope in his eyes but then looked away.I asked my question "Whats your name?"He looked back at me and said "Edge"Ok i finally know his name.

(Edge) P.O.V

 I asked her "Why did care about me so much and also when i bit your hand you didn't even yell in pain or even flinched"She looked me for a second and her eyes turned all teary i started to sweat."You don't have to answer"I said i started to blush a little i didn't want her to see my soft side she cleaned her eyes with her sleeve and said "Because when i was little no one cared about me before so i could still help other people who are in need."Then she asked "Who took care of you?"I said "THEY DIDN'T TOOK CARE OF ME The..y ..tortured me"I started to cry and fell to my side.She got closed and i moved away from her still scared.

3rd person P.O.V

(y/n) tried to go close to edge but he was still scared of her but she got an idea she asked edge what he wanted he tried to calm down and sniffled "Can i have some mustard?"(y/n) got confused so she went to the fridge to find still one bottle of mustard and put it next to edge.He started climbing to the top and he dranked the whole bottle he was rubbing his stomach(???)(y/n) started cooking her (f/f).

Time skip by your lazy author~

Still in the same P.O.V

Time has passed silence took over the kitchen (y/n) asked edge "Can i pick you up?"Edge didn't want to because he was scared then he trusted her a bit so he said " o-ok" She didn't want to smile since it looked creepy so she pull out her hand in front of edge he hesitantly climbs on (y/n) hand he hold onto her thumb for balance then (y/n) started walking to the living room.

Edge P.O.V

I dont know what to think about her shes nice but i cant just trust people so easily i just wished my bro was here but he didn't make it i got out of my thoughts when (y/n) said "Are you ok?" I felt tears going down my face then i told her "i'm fine" i made a fake smile she didn't fail for it then she said "What can i make you feel better?" I started thinking and told her "Can we follow that guy to his house?"

(y/n) P.O.V

I didn't believe what i just heard then he told me "I know its sounds crazy but there were others like me and i wanted my" He started to cry I told him "Ok but first lets wait until tomorrow" He said "o-ok" I looked at the time and it was 12:30 PM i got off the sofa and hold edge in my hands i then remembered how dumb i am because edge didn't took a shower yet(Totally not breaking the fourth wall).I started going to the shower edge look at with panicked eyes and started shaking i was confused what was happening? I asked him "Whats wrong" Then in seconds he said "Nononono please don't hurt me i haven't done anything wrong yet p-please" He started to cry and i felt like hitting myself without telling him that im gonna give him a bath.I said "no i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just gonna giving you a bath." He calmed down a bit and said "o-ok" I got a bowl and add warm water to the bowl and put it in the sink i put him on the side of the sink and he told me with a glare "Can you turn around?" I found out what he was talking about but before i turned around i added soap in the bowl then turned around i didn't trust him to be alone by himself.

Edge P.O.V 

She turned around but didn't leave maybe because shes still worried about me i started to take off my clothes(NO they are skeletons sinners buttt i would agree with you sinners only when i make another story maybe i should add LEMON only if you guys want to)I went in the bowl it felt so warm and good i started to scrub myself and clean my bones/body? I finished and yelled her name she flinched then she went to get the towel then i remembered when the part she flinched she ignored the other question but answer the first question? I wonder (y/n) walked towards me with her hand covering her eyes and handing me a towel but shes still holding it since its way to big for me. I then i put on my clothes and told her "i'm finished so she grabbed me with her hand that isn't injured and took me to the bedroom while (y/n) was walking towards the bedroom i told her "Im sorry."

(y/n) P.O.V 

"What are you sorry for?" I said to edge he then started explaining he told me "Like when i ran away from you and bit you when you picked me up as well as panicking thinking you are gonna hurt me." I use my thumb to rub his little skull and said "It's ok." I walked towards the bedroom and layed down while putting edge on the pillow i told him  "goodnight" Then he said "can i sleep next to you?" He blushed red and i said "sure" He looked at me than started to walk to me and layed down 

Edge P.O.V 

I told (y/n) "Goodnight".

3rd person P.O.V

They drifted to sleep waiting until the day comes to find the guys house but of course (y/n) gets a nightmare.

Authors P.O.V 

Find out next time see ya.

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