chapter 4 - rescue

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Author:I wanted to say sorry that i didn't almost not write anything for this weekend just because of my laziness but i didn't give up but sometimes i try to think of how the story goes but thats all i wanted to say so lets continue~

(y/n) P.O.V

I was about to leave but then i just remembered that i needed a plan to get into the house i told edge "wait" while i put him on the sofa. He looked at me confused but he just sat down i grabbed the box from the kitchen counter and brought it back to the living room where edge saw me but i guess he was scared since he saw me with the box i told him in a calm gentle voice "I'm not going to bring you back to your owner i'm just thinking how i am going to go inside the house without being you know strange?" He relaxed when i said that so then he told me "How are we going to get in his house?" I said "I guess i could pretend that your in the box so it wont be suspicious but your gonna have to be quiet while im inside but tell me when you see your other friends or your brother." He nodded he's head but asked "Where am i gonna hide?" I said "in my purse. Wait how many were there?" He said "Six but i got kicked out so five." I then started cleaning out my purse but put my phone there as well as my wallet just in case my purse has two huge pockets and one small one i started to go outside then grabbed some rocks then put them inside the box then walked back inside the apartment but saw a confused edge i told him "What you think he's gonna be like oh theres nothing there so i guess your lying to me" Then i layed my hand out to edge and he climbed on he grabbed my thumb for balance i then started walking to the kitchen then grabbed some tape on top of my fridge i then put edge and the box full of rocks down i folded the flaps then started to taped them it was ready to go. I layed my hand out again so he could climb on my hand then started to lower him down into my small pocket in my purse he started to shiver then i told him in a gentle voice "Don't worry he can't hurt you if he does i wont let him touch you." He said "Its not that its just i don't want you to-" He mumbled the last part but i couldn't hear so i told him "Can you please repeat that i didn't hear you." He said "I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT (Y/N) im sorry that i y-yelled." I reassured him with a little rub on his skull with my thumb then i started to put him in the little pocket i walked out the door with the box and put on my (f/c) jacket i opened the door then locked it with my keys then i started to go to my car then put the purse on my lap and put the box on the passenger seat then but the seat belt around it. I opened my purse then opened the zipper to check on edge yup he was asleep i then quietly try to zip it up but he woke up and started at me sweats drops started to form on his skull and asked "What are you doing?" I then said "I wanted to check if you were ok being inside the small pocket so if you were having problems i could move you somewhere." He's face turned red then said "n-no problems just a bit you know t-tired." I then remembered the dream but i didn't want to ask him questions but edge beat me to it and asked "W-was that y-you you know in the dream?" I stared at him then told him "Were you in a cage?" He then said "Wait so it was you how di- just HOW?!" I startled a bit then said "Maybe is like mind connection or something?" He calmed a bit then went back lying down inside the little pocket then said "I'll asked later." I said "ok." I started to turn on the car then started to drive.

Time skip two hours later~  

Same P.O.V

I asked edge "Are you ready?" He nodded then i got out the car then went to the other side to get the box i closed my car doors then i started to walk towards the door i got chills going down my spine i then knocked on the door i backed away from the door still holding the box in my hands. The guy opened the door and asked "What do you want?" I then said "I saw you a day ago and i wanted to returned this box and i want to ask whats inside this box." He then smiled i got scared he then said "Come on in i will show you." I walked in he then closed the door i looked around he said i'm gonna get the tea ready be right back." I nodded then kept looking around i saw the wallpapers were all falling off and it was kinda rotting away as well as the floor the couch looked like if someone's cat ripped it in shreds i looked to my left and saw a door nothing much i looked to my right to where i saw the couch i guess this is the living room but i guess you could say it's not living anymore (ok i will stop) then i looked in front of me where i saw him go i'm guessing thats the kitchen since he said he was gonna get some tea i'm still wondering where was the bathroom? I asked 'Where's the bathroom?" He then said "To the left it leads to my room and you'll be able to find the bathroom." I said "ok." I looked to my left and walked towards the door to open the door then closed the door behind me i looked around in front of me was a mattress and a mattress frame then a blanket the windows were all green and foggy to my right was another door and the walls and floor were still the same from the living room. There was a desk with jars but they looked cleaned but more i looked closely the more my eyes widened i can't believe what i see there was a type of torture machine on the desk while there was four skeletons in the jars and they all had the collars the one that edge has then i heard voices going though my mind one said "What is she going to do with us?!" the second one said "Please leave us alone we hadn't done anything wrong!?' the third one said "I hope the human doesn't do anything with us." and the fourth one said "What did i do i haven't done anything wrong human." I felt streams of tears going down my face they looked at me shocked. "Why is she crying?" "Whats happening?" "Why does the human look sad?" "Did we do that to the" I looked back at the jars then grabbed each jar they started to panic i whispered "I'm here to get you guys out i just need to find the other one also i know you can't talk but show some type of signs." each of them did a sign one pretend to have a cup he dranked it and died and second one pointed to the bathroom then showed a x with his arms the third one pretend to have a cup but showed of disgust and the final one did a point and laugh. I said "ok im gonna put you guys in my purse but make sure not to make any sounds." They all nodded i then quietly closed the zipper then went back to the main room where the door i came from then i walked to the living room to sit down on the couch i looked at the tv but something seems off but then i heard him walked in with two cups of tea he passed one to me and then said "So you wanted to know what they were?" I nodded then next i was shocked because he yelled "HEY HURRY UP YOU TAKE SO LONG YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" I didn't know what to do but then a little or should i say a tall skeleton was running across the floor then climbed up the table then just stood there i looked at him closely i saw the edges of his bones were sharp he has a little crack on his left eye he was wearing high heels but seemed like they were old as well as his clothing they were ripped and he looked similar to edge i then thought Wait that's he's brother?! I then looked back at him and said "What is he?" He then said "He's kinda like a slave a person who follows orders from and treated like shit." I looked at him again and thought of just grabbing him and running but then i calmed down a bit and asked "Can i buy him from you?" He said "For a price" He started to grin i got a little scared i heard a voice again "All i have to do is wait for her to take a sip so she could get poisoned and die." Then i heard another voice "What the hell is she doing is she really trying to get herself killed." Then i looked at him he looked shocked as if i heard him maybe i did. Did i really heard him? I shook myself out of my own thoughts then i heard him said "Are you okay you should drink some of the tea." Then i remembered the skeleton pretending to drink a cup but died at the end. I looked at him and said "So how much does he cost?" He looked at me shocked as if i did something wrong he said with a smile "He cost a hundred dollars but i doubt you have the money." I looked at him took my wallet out of my pocket and showed him my money and said "I think i have enough also can i bring the tea with me?" He was thinking i could tell he did't want me to take him he was a idiot saying "Only if you drink it." I said "ok." Then drank half of the tea and said "Huh it taste good to be honest but i feel something is wrong?" He was shocked then he looked back at him but he was smiling knowing nothing happened to me then when i looked back at him he went straight to the kitchen i looked at the door the only thing that was locked was the top lock then i looked at him he knew i was gonna do and he said ready i got up grabbed him and start to unlock the top lock i looked back to see the guy with a knife he said "your not gonna go anywhere." He ran towards me with the knife i doge the knife from cutting me and push him towards the tv i open the door then ran to the car i got in put him on the passenger seat then i try to start up the car but my door opened then he yanked me out of the car my left side of my face got scrapped but i didn't care my adrenaline was over the roof i got up and saw that he got him he was trying to run away but i shoved him to the floor he let go of him and we went back to the car i turned on my car then drove away.

Time skip~

Same p.o.v

When we were safe i parked somewhere catching my breath i then took out my purse then took out the jars the tall skeleton looked at me with disgust and said "SO thats all you wanted you wanted us so we could be your play things." I said trying to calm down the situation "NO no i did it because edge wanted me to come back and save you all i know i know why you think that what i want but i just wanted you guys to be safe and mostly that so called owner of yours didn't care but i do i want you guys to have a home a family something i couldn't get when i was little but..." I started to cry i pulled the lid of each of the jar and i put my head down on my steering wheel.

3rd person p.o.v 

They all stared at (y/n) thinking did she really cared about them they were gonna reach out to her but edge climbed out the pocket and saw he's brother he started to cry and ran towards him hugging him and said "What happen b-boss." They all started at edge then toward (y/n) ??? said "She happen" Edge then turned around but then got worried when he saw (y/n) crying he was gonna reach her but then (y/n) said "lets get you guys home." (y/n) cleaned her tears away with her (f/c) jacket and buckled the seat belt around all of them even edge then started driving home.

Authors p.o.v 

I feel like making another chapter so you might see another one after this but i will try to make it as long as it is i would like the feed back and support thank you and have a good day~

I feel like making another chapter so you might see another one after this but i will try to make it as long as it is i would like the feed back and support thank you and have a good day~

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I was playing Gmod dont judge please...

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