Special chapter 10 - My life/New bitties/comic?

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Ok i will talk about whats happening to me on a short summary then onto the story with more stuff to do since this is a special chapter i will even tell you my real name funny part is i already did in another story.

My name is steven i dont want to put my last name for reasons and i like the tv show called steven universe funny right?

Me: I woke up at 2 Am i felt really tired but i had to start my day so i went to the bathroom to get ready after i finished my throat started to hurt but i didnt mind maybe it was i needed water. I grabbed the water bottle next to my bed and drank some my throat didnt hurt as much now. I got my things ready and but i got nothing to do so i checked discord texted "good morning!" Then checked wattpad i almost dropped my phone when my story reached 1000 reads and i was like i need to make a special chapter but what? My stepmom came in and got mad that i was awake, I looked at her confused then she left for work. I was thinking for 4 hours (no joke i had no idea what to make) then thought something perfect. I got to school ready for the day but i felt real tired and dizzy then my whole left side hurt a lot felt my bones were broken. I tried to get the day over with but i have to get my little bro from school i didnt mind he was scared of dogs which i protect him from since he wants me to carry him which also was rare. I get home with my little bro first thing i did was go to my bed and fall then took a nap.

I wake up 2 hours later, I still felt dizzy and tired. I was taken to the doctors then they said "You have strep throat infection" and i was like i never knew that! (I knew that). I got my pills then went to school the next day. People that asked me to draw red and blue im still trying to draw them without dieing so please it might take time and dont hate me please. Then here i am its a wednesday no school why because i got worse.

So i thought hey i might as well take this time to use my phone to make a special chapter while on my bed, So here i am making this for you guys because i care what you guys think and feel about the story.

This is it so far but i hope i get better soon bye~

(Now the story, Me: this is fine. My sickness: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)

(Also im using my phone since my computer is updating just great...)

(Y/n) pov

I ran straight to the alley where i heard it from boss and edge are holding tight on me trying not to lose grip. The guys in the bag are wondering what is happening.

I stopped when i made it to the alleyway i catched my breath trying to breath then i started to look around there was a whole bunch of boxes. I thought who did the person was talking to there was no one here, I started to scan every single box. They seem still but except for one i walk closer the more the box move away. I stopped the box stopped too, I asked "Is anyone in there?" The voice said "N-no theres no one here" the other voice said "Depends whos asking~" Did he just flirt with me? I wondered.

I went closer to the box and lifted it to see two little guys. One had a galaxy sweater but it was a bit ripped in some places the other guy had a sweater just its cut in half. They both wore the same sweat pants but they didnt have any shoes or socks.

I waved at them but they just backed away a bit the one with the galaxy sweater was in front of the other guy protecting him while the guy behind him cowers in fear. "Its okay im not going to hurt you" I said while pulling my hands up to show no harm. "w-what do you want?" The galaxy guy said nervously "I just want to help and know whats going on" I said.

It was quiet for a while i dont know how long because boss said "Uh are you done yet and what the hell are we-" Boss saw the two little guys and stopped talking. Boss whispered to me "Hey thats a lust and outer sans what the hell are they doing together?" Then edge came out of no where slipping almost falling to the ground luckily i grabbed him with my left hand "Are you ok?" i said. Edge gave me the thumbs up then stand up to see the other two skeletons "What the hell do we do with them?" "I could take care of them like how i took care of you guys" I said. The two skeletons looked at me then to boss and edge then they whispered to each other. "Ok well come just dont um hurt us please" Outer said "Dont worry i wont hurt you guys" I said while putting my right hand down for them to climb on. Lust runs towards my hand and jumps on top of my hand holding on my thumb, While outer slowly walks over to my hand climbing on then holding to lust. I got up and start walking to my apartment i ask "Uh who was that person that was screaming at something?" Lust said "Oh it was me but i didn't know where and where not to touch her~" I just kept on walking trying not to think what lust just did. I made back home but my door was a bit open shivers ran down my spine "Ok im gonna put you guys in my bag because i think someone's inside so i need to be able to defend myself" Edge,lust and outer agreed but boss said "Nope im sticking with you im a fighter and besides you could barley stand for yourself" I sighed "Fine but please dont get hurt" I put edge,lust and outer in my bag. I walked in opening the door then closing it behind me i was gonna say something but realize how stupid it is to say whos there? I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife while boss was there standing on my shoulder waiting for a attack i never knew boss could be over protective of someone. I walked around every room slowly making sure that person didnt hear me i went to my bedroom and saw my closet door open.

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