Chapter 12 - Home alone

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Author's POV

Hello everyone! How are you this fine morning/afternoon/night/midnight? I kinda have another idea for a story but don't worry i am not i repeat NOT gonna stop this story so yeah is that all i needed to say? i think i forgot something....(Whispers) oh.....uh maybe they will like it? (Anxiety kicks in) or not i actually think they might hate it....but besides that lets continue on our story!

(Y/n) POV

You woke up to see no one...."Guys? Where are you?" No one responded you got off the couch and looked around you were no longer sick but worried sick for where they are the first thing you did was search your room but to find nothing. You looked around any clue but the place seemed a bit dusty "I need to clean..." There were little clothes on the floor with dust on them you titled your head a bit confused but the closer you got the more terrified you got...its their clothes that's BLUES!! You picked up the clothes "GUYS!?!?! THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!!" There was still silence then a sound of glass broke you got up and quickly rushed to the sound to see the window broken you looked down to see the shattered pieces of glass on the floor there was figure it had the hood over it's head as it got off the floor then faced you. "W-who are you...?" You backed away a bit.

The figure grinned showing his red mouth "Why did you kill them?" You looked at it confused "I d-didn'-" it cut you off "You mean to tell me that you didn't kill all your friends even though your covered in dust and have that knife on your hand...." You looked at your hands to find the knife covered in dust "No this isn't' no way there must be a mistake i...i..." It's grin got wider as it got closer it grabbed your wrist making it burn like acid as it took of it's hood showing his face is melted there a bit of flesh showing as some inside his mouth "Your one dirty liar...." Everything start shaking as if there was a earth quake as your wrist burned like as if someone stabbed you with a lit cigar burning through your skin then everything went black....

(Y/n) POV

You woke up sweating while gasping for air as you look around they were all on the coffee table looking at you worried then instantly you got off the couch and hugged them as they were confused except for lust he seems fine.....but you didn't care. The first thing you did was check on Blue you saw he was okay and smiled holding him close "Uh....(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?" (I decided to change things so there will be a lot of changes) You nodded "Yeah i a nightmare that's all....." Sans and Stretch noticed even Red "WE CAN CHEER YOU UP RIGHT GUYS?" Blue says "YEAH I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL FIND SOMETHING TO CHEER YOU UP!!!" Papyrus says "NOT UNLESS I THE TERRIBLE BOSS WILL CHEER YOU UP FIRST!!!!" Boss says Red, Sans and Stretch sighs but smiles while Ink and Error are talking to each other about looking for underlust bros well one of them horrortale bros and outertale well one of them Lust and Outer just held hands as they talked with each other. Blue, Boss and Papyrus started racing to things that they think that will cheer you up Blue found your bear doll, Papyrus found a puzzle box with thousands puzzle pieces and Boss got nothing but he went towards you and climbed all the way up to your shoulder as he sits down. You at first thought how it was gonna cheer you up? but after a moment it actually did Boss smirked "LOOK I GOT HER CHEERED UP BEAT THAT YOU CHILDISH BRATS!" Papyrus and Blue looked like they are about to cry but you grabbed the teddy bear hugging it as you open the puzzle box "Hey can you guys help me? solve this puzzle this is so Difficult"  They both perked up and nodded as they start helping you out with the puzzle "DONT WORRY I THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE AND THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL HELP YOU OUT" You smiled as you guys start resembling the pieces Boss feels jealous as he sits there watching until he sighs "I WILL HELP AS WELL O-ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!"he blushed a crimson color as he climbs down off of you and jumped to the table helping out as well you smiled then lay back down on the couch it felt soft but hard at the same time maybe it's just the pillows breaking your spine slowly yeah i think so you closed your eyes for one second before opening them again seeing Sans and Stretch "Yes.....?" They blinked "Sorry it's just we wanted to ask you questions...." Of course "What do you need me to answer?" They waited for a bit until Stretch began to talk "I uh well you see we wanted to know if your nightmare was about us?" You blinked and nodded slowly Sans and Stretch sighed softly "What did we do in your dream?" You tired to remember but couldn't did think you looked at them closely. They seemed to be uncomfortable but you knew why you were being to close for their comfort then Sans teleported away with Stretch then everyone did the same even the items Blue, Boss and Papyrus brought. You stood up so confused "Guys where did you guys teleported to?" You were very worried like as if a mom lost their child but at this point they seem like family to you even the new bitties. The first thing you did was head towards your room to find a damn Unicorn "What the fuck....?" You stare at it for awhile thinking how it even get in here (@RavenLight100 @JakeyOmega-theJester What's with the Unicorn? Lmao) You decided to just shrug it off as you closed the door behind you. The next thing you did was head towards the bathroom once you opened the door you saw your dad you instantly slam the door shut "No nope nah not real nope hell no no way it's not really him it's just a dream because if he was really here i would move places and go to a different country...." You sighed as you continued walking that's when you noticed the hallway seems a endless as it keeps going to somewhere that's when you mom appeared with a knife "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?!?!? first i see a damn unicorn then my father then my mother!? And great she has a weapon whil-" A baseball bat fell from the ceiling at this point you didn't even cared you picked up the baseball bat and get ready to swing, your mom charged at you with full speed making her look like a speed demon your mom swing her knife you dogged it but you hit the wall with your side then ducked when your mom swung again the knife gets stuck to the wall as she tries to pull it back out. You took this chance to escape as you ran down the hallway that's when the hallway seems to be going downwards like a roller coaster that's when a cart out of nowhere appearing behind you. You looked around as you got on the shopping cart then used the baseball bat as a paddle moving the cart going down as you closed your eyes shut screaming all the way down once you opened your eyes you see nothing just darkness. "Hello? Is someone there? And please don't be some kind of creature i have to kill or at least anything that is trying to kill me..." It's nothing no sound or anything just the quietness and that big huge blue glowing eye you stared at it for a while until everything turn white........

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