Chapter - 14 Beach/sick bois

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Autthor pov: Hello darkness (my old friend) i have returned with maybe bad news i will be taking a plane to Maryland to visit my mom and siblings which i think i might not have time to type out stories quickly so for now i'm gonna be making a chapter for each book i made. Also i leave to the airport tomorrow 👁👄👁 but for now i would like to mention these two people for giving me the idea. (I made this yesterday 🙁 i only have today to make a chapter for each story)



(Also its gonna be 3rd person now okay goodbye!)

You woke up and felt everyone was on you sleeping it seemed calm and quiet until you noticed something there was a drawing on one of the walls. You decide to gently move everyone off of you and lay them on the pillow, you got up walked up to the drawing and smiled softly.

"Thanks for taking care of them bye!!" Signed by Ink.

You rolled your eyes playfully before walking back to everyone watching them sleep as you tilt your head slightly [Did they decide to fall asleep on me? Maybe i should take them somewhere.....hmm.....Oh i got it!! But i need to make them should be easy its like the exact same color they like!! Just need to make sure i don't make any noise while doing so] You thought as you quietly left the room to the dark hallway before walking to the next room maybe even bumping into things. Once you reached the door you flipped the switch to turn on the light and start working on their clothing by using the machine you used to make their clothes when they first arrived.

Honey (Underswap Papyrus) is the first to awaken he looked around before panicking thinking you shrank down like their size, after awhile of searching of course he didn't find you. He teleport out of the room then saw the light coming from the other room, he walked down the hallway feeling mostly the coldness from the air and the floor on his feet. He reached the door only to freeze up again looking at you and the machine he teleports again onto the desk as he stood there trembling slightly in fear. You looked at him and gave him a warm smile before continuing on what you were doing.

Honey rubs his own neck gently before he looked away "Morning..." He says softly as he glances at you. In which you reply with a "Morning hope you slept well and i'm making clothes for you & for them too if your wondering." You kept working on the clothes while thinking before placing them in the little closet. Honey stood there maybe for a second as he sneezes a bit he clean his nose with his shirt before looking at you again curious of what your making as clothing.

You finished making clothing and looked at Honey "Have you gone to the beach before?" You ask curiously and maybe slightly tilting your head, He perked up from this and thought about it "We never got the chance to we were or i guess me and my bro but something brought us here so no....sadly..." He says as he sighs softly [I was gonna sleep and nap all day.....] He thought slightly annoyed that he couldn't do that.

You gave him orange shorts "Here is your swim suite i'm sorry if i didn't make a shirt because i thought yo-" You were cut off by a one adorable Blueberry aka the smol bean (◕ω◕). "IS THAT FOR US?!?!?! YAY!!!!" He cheers running towards the desk climbing up and then jumped on your hand hugging it lovingly, he nuzzles his cheek against it gently. You couldn't help but plant a little kiss on his head in which he response with a little giggle and him planting a kiss on your hand, this made you happy seeing him so happy it was just TOO CUTE!!! Honey smiled at this before looking around seeing the rest of the group on the floor, everyone teleported on the desk and glared at Blue of course they were jealous. "Oh hey guys i made you some clothing when we go to the beach!" You said with a cheerful voice, everyone smiled except Boss because you know he was......him. You passed their clothing for them to try on.

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