Chapter 7 - Whats happening to me?

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Author : Ok so we left off by your character being shocked of what she saw so lets continue~

i also change P.O.V to POV so yeah on wards!

3rd person POV

(y/n) was shocked of what she saw she had been shrunk down her thoughts went crazy she was thinking what the fuck just happen?! WHY IS EVERYTHING HUGE!? Ok i need to find the bitties she looked around to find out that she was on the table the only person saw that she had shrunk was...

Boss POV

What the hell happen she was counting but she shrunk down? I guess i could go to her and help her out once. I started walking towards the table i started climbing one of the legs of the chair ok i just need to jump on the table so i could see whats happening to her. I was on top of the chair i ran and jumped towards the table but i missed i was gonna fall and get my skull crushed but i got grabbed from my leg i looked up or i should say down since (y/n) grabbed my legs and was at the edge of the table she start to pull me up i was catching my breath thinking i was gonna get killed. I thought she was weak because the way she looked but i guess not then she asked me "Are you ok?" I stood up i found out i was taller than her i then said "I would have been fine without your help human." She then sighed looking around and started to look at herself. I thought this was the perfect time to ask her questions i looked at her intensely she saw this and started to sweat i got closer to her while she backed away from me somehow i got her cornered by the plates she left she said "I-is something W-wrong?" She asked pretty nervous i looked at her then said "So how did you get yourself shrunk down?" She looked at me then said "I dont know maybe because i was counting?" I then pulled her hoodie towards my face and said "Dont try to bullshit me i know you have something to tell us so SPIT IT OUT." She looked at me shocked then she took off her hoodie escaping my grasp then the next thing that shocked me was that she ran towards the chair jumping off. I was like WHAT THE FUCK!? i then ran after her i looked over the edge and she was already on the floor running i was shocked of how fast she made it to the floor i jumped off the table to the chair then climbed down the chair as fast i can i then summoned a gaster blaster then grabbed onto to it and went towards (y/n). She looked behind her and saw me holding to the gaster blaster she then do a barrel roll under the door to her room i followed right behind her but i lost her? Where did the hell did she go? i thought but i saw her- HOW THE HELL DID SHE GOT UP THERE!? She was standing on top of the window frame i looked at it then thought there's no way to get there only if she climbed the wall but thats impossible i then hopped on the gaster blaster then went up towards her she saw this but she stood still? I was on top of the window frame i hopped off my gaster blaster and instantly started standing close to the wall since there's not a lot of place to stand on i slowly but surely walked while hugging the wall kinda towards (y/n) she backed away but she knew she was at the edge. I looked at her and said "I-im sorry for what i did i didn't mean to well i did but..." Shit i'm bad at this i thought she looked at me kinda calming down she asked "Why did you grab me like that?" I looked at her and said "I just wanted to know what was happening to you i was kinda worried but seeing you vulnerable i was able to ask you without much of a fight" She looked at me then she looked at the ed- wait what is sh- before i could finish my soul turned dark blue and i was going towards the edge almost slipping off she saw this and ran towards me then grabbed my hand tight trying not to let go of me i was not on the window frame anymore i was kinda flying in mid air then she lost her footing then grabbed my arms i was kinda flying while she was holding down but then my soul glitched out then turned back red we started to fall i was panicking couldn't summon my gaster blaster or anything next thing i see was darkness i thought i died but i started to touch everything around me it was squishy i saw a bit of light and someone screaming my name i realized who it was i somehow went though the little hole i looked behind me it was (y/n) hands wait did that mean i shrunk more?! Wait i looked around noticing everything is the same so that mea- before i could finish thinking everyone hugged me.

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