A Monster in the Shadows

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Marinette POV's

It's been a month since Chloe decided to betray Cat Noir and me. She hasn't been back to school ever since. She did say that she was going to leave for New York with her mom so I guess that's what happened.

A lot has also happened over this past month. My mom thought it would be a good idea if I learned how to defend myself. She's been teaching and I got to say... I learned so fast I'm pretty sure I can beat her up in a fight. No, I'm just kidding but on a side note... Max and Alix have been hanging out a lot more and something tells me they're a thing now. Also Mark and Nathaniel but that's not new. Luka and I have been spending more time together as well. I got to be honest, I don't think of Adrien as much as I used to. I also have seen him and Kagami hang a lot more too. Those two have a lot in common.

Anyway... it's around Midterms week at school and I am so stressed. I asked Luka for help and he's been quite the help. I've been studying non-stop.

So I decided to take a late-night walk. So now I am walking on a sidewalk back home. There are barely any people out and it's not that late either, but it's so fucking dark outside. I like to take precautions so I have Tikki inside my purse as usual. I feel my phone vibrate and I take it out.

"How's studying?" It was a text from Luka. I smile and reply.

"I've been working so hard that I need some space away from that,"

"Wym?! Are you outside? Why didn't you tell me! I could've gone with you"

"I'm sorry! I needed it desperately. I'm walking back home as we're texting. I promise,"

"Fine. But send me a photo of you in your room when you get home. I want to make sure you get there safe and sound,"

"If it makes you feel better,"


"Okay boomer 👵🏼"

"I am not a boomer! 😠" I chuckle and continue typing.

"Okay but you're acting like a mom 😂"

"I care about you and if something were to happen to you, I would hunt that son of a bitch and kill him or her myself,"

"Oh, my hero 😍but please don't mean the killing part. Sure you can come and hunt me and the son of a bitch but don't get your hands dirty but... I appreciate the thought. thank you☺️"

"Okay and you're welcome☺️"

I smile at my phone. I wanted to focus more on myself but I can't help but smile every time I see Luka's name popped up on my phone. My phone vibrates again and it's Luka again. "Are you almost home?"

I'm about to reply when I hear something behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. I continue to walk but at a faster pace. As I'm walking, I get a feeling that I am being followed. I turn but there's no one there. I quicken my pace more and I start to type to Luka about my gut feeling. I then hear footsteps. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Who's following me? I heard you! So there's no point in hiding!" I called out as I turned around. After everything that Chloe took from me, fear was one that I was most thankful for. I've learned over the past month to not show fear. "Tikki do not stick your head out," I whispered. She hit the side of my leg, letting me know she heard me. We've talked about talking to each other without her sticking her head out. That way she doesn't run the risk of being seen.

I heard someone land behind me and I turned around. I didn't need light to know who it was. "So you finally decide to show your face, huh, Hawkmoth?" He took one step forward and there he was. His silver mask covering all of his head except his mouth and eyes. He was holding his typical stick in his hand. In the center of his chest was the butterfly miraculous.

"I was never hiding... Ladybug," his tone was so cold it sent chills down my spine. I felt my heart rate increase.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as calmly as possible.

"Oh, I think you do," he started to walk to the right and I walked in the opposite direction. "You see... I haven't been hiding... I've been watching you. You just never knew," he had a smirk on his face and I wanted to slap it off so fucking bad!

"I am not who you think I am," I said in a firm tone. He kept on walking in a circle. "If you don't want the real Ladybug and Cat Noir to come and beat your ass... I suggest you turn back around and leave me alone." I tried to sound threatening. He let out a bitter laugh and replied,

"For being Ladybug you're quite stupid," he looked past me and that's when I remembered that he wasn't alone. I turned around and was able to see Mayura but not before he punched me in the face. I stumbled back and fell on my ass. She started to run up to me again but I got up and took ahold of her arm and pushed her towards Hawkmoth. He was caught off guard so they crashed into each other. I started to run away in the other direction.

"Tikki get out! They know who I am. Find Cat Noir and tell him that I'm i-" I tripped on something. Great when don't I. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," I mumble. My knees were bleeding but I didn't care. I got up and started to run again.

"Going somewhere?" Mayura was standing in front of me. She ran towards me but I was able to dodge it but I felt something snap on my neck. I put my hands around my neck and I realized that my purse was missing. "Looking for something?" She held my purse up.

"Give it back!"

"Not yet," she took out something and held it up. "This is iridium, one of the rarest elements on Earth. But also really bad for kwamis," she then placed it too close for my comfort.

"Get that away from her!" I went to get up but then I felt something hit the back of my head. My vision became blurry. I became dizzy. I tried to get up to only stumble back down.

"I've finally won Ladybug," and then pitch black.

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