The Liar II

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Marinette's POV

I was blindfolded again. He was here and was going to visit me. The nurse has been trying to convince me to call the cops but I've always and will still tell her no.

It's the following day and according to the nurse my ribs seem to be doing fine. As long as I don't move a lot or get hit hard. Again.

I was finished being strapped and I heard the door open and close.

"How she's doing?" a female voice asked. Mayura.

"Better than yesterday," the nurse said.

"Okay," then a pause. "May I be left alone with her?"

"Of course," the nurse said. The door opened and then closed.

"I have some news to tell you," Mayura said. I heard her pull a chair. "Apparently your friends have been looking for you. We suspect that they know everything," she told me.

"How do you know that? They don't know who I am and no one knows who you two fuckers are!" I felt my blood boil. I didn't like this conversation and I had a bad feeling of where it was heading.

"They found your things according to our source. She's been quite helpful, and hates you too," she said. The only two people that come to mind are Chloe and Lila. Both of them hate me but Chloe at some point showed that she could be trusted while Lila just keeps on lying and lying. My best bet is Lila.

"Well I have a message for her," I said.

"What is it? And how do you know it's a 'she?'"

"There are only two girls that I know that hate me. Lila and Chloe. And my best bet is Lila so tell her to go fuck herself," and there was a pause. I felt anxious but I wasn't planning on showing any regret for what I just said. I hear some steps. The door opens and closes and then more steps. Someone entered.

"That's just rude," Lila's voice filled the silence. You have got to be kidding me!

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got invited," I heard steps then she spoke again. "You know. I still wonder why the fuck people still care about you. I mean why bother? You're just a clumsy, pathetic girl who doesn't deserve to be with Adrien." Ouch. I haven't even thought of Adrien like that in a while.

"Jokes on you bitch, I do not love him. I just think of him as a good friend," I said.

"Doesn't matter. You're a bad influence on him anyways. I'll make sure that everyone at school hates you," she said. She thinks she can scare me but I'm feeling nowhere close to being scared.

"And how exactly are you planning on doing that?" I asked her.

"You'll see," I heard the chair and some steps. "Bye," and then the door opened and closed.  I felt my whole body relaxed. I honestly just don't have any energy.

"Rest for now. I'll come back tomorrow morning," Mayura said. Forget it. I'm tired of pretending.

"You know? I wonder what Adrien will say when he finds out about you and his father. You think he'll support it?" I heard steps and then my blindfold was removed and now I was face to face with Natalie.

"How the hell did you find out?!" she yelled. She was grabbing me by my collar. I felt pain in my chest and groaned. She released me and fell on my pillow. "Doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure Gabriel will have a solution to this." She fixed herself and made her way towards the door and walked out. I was still tied but I was alone. I turned towards the window. The blinds were still extended but I saw some sun coming from the sides so I figured it was sunny and clear. I closed my eyes and really imagined it. I took a deep breath. For once I didn't feel as much pain as usual.

I hear the door open so I open my eyes and see the nurse. She stops dead on her tracks and looks at me confused.

"I knew who they were. She was the one who removed the fold," I said. She nodded and walked up the bed and started undoing the ties.

"Do you need anything else? Some water?" she asked. She seemed a bit less tense and relaxed. I think the thought of me not knowing who I was talking to made her worry a little.

"Could you maybe open the blinds?" I said as I massaged my wrists. She looked at the windows and nodded. She walked up to them and slid them open. The sun was so bright I think I went legally blind for three full seconds. "Thank you,"

"I will need to spread them back before she comes tomorrow. But for now, we're good. I'll leave them like this all day today," and smiled at me. I smiled back and say,

"Thank you,"

"It's the least I can do. Since you won't let me help you, I can at least make your stay comfortable," she said. Something vibrated and she took out her phone. "I need to check on another patient. I'll be back," and made her way towards the door. She looked back at me then left. I then turn to look at the window. I could see the Eiffel Tower and the sun was shining right behind it. I then remember my favorite place to get creative. I remember drawing designs for our derby hat competition. I felt tears in my eyes as I remember my happy days before they came.

"Guys please," I hear my voice crack. "Find me," and sobbed until I didn't have any tears left.

Adrien's POV

It was around seven or eight o'clock when Natalie left with my driver. She told me that she has been going for walks at the park. I know she's lying though. I have a clear schedule again and I have no idea what to do.

As of right now, I'm practicing my piano. I have nothing better to do and until Natalie gets back from "walking." I can't go out. My phone vibrates once then twice. I stop playing and look at my notifications. One is from Alya and the next from Luka. Luka?

I opened Alya's first.

"So are you coming or not?" I think of what I'm going to say.

"Give me ten more minutes," I respond back. I then check Luka's message.

"Come to Marinette's house. I have something to show you." Marinette's house?

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as Natalie gets back from the park."

"Okay. See you then."

"See ya." I then text Alya that I am not coming. She doesn't respond so I put my phone down.

I get ready and head downstairs. I reach the bottom and at the same time, Natalie walks in.

"Hey. Is it okay if I go out to meet my friends?" I ask her.

"Sure and remember-"

"Before nine. Got it." and walked out of my house and got in my car. "Park please," and Gorilla drove off.

I just want to say thank you everyone for the nice comments and for voting. Reading those comments just makes my day!😭❤️

Also I just want to remind everyone to stay safe! Just because the states are reopening doesn't mean we're safe. I know most you know this but I just want to make sure y'all know.

Wash your hands, use a mask, and to say six feet apart.

Well make it safe and sound everyone. Don't lose hope. I haven't.

I love y'all and stay safe out there❤️

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