Questions & Doubts

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Adrien's POV

    It's been six weeks and to my surprise, my father hasn't attacked any of us. We've been keeping track of each other ever since our little incident with Lila. We haven't heard from her either. School resumed a week ago and there have been rumors that Marinette is dead. I refuse to believe it. And so does everyone else. The police haven't said anything about her being dead so why believe a rumor?

    Two weeks ago though, Cat Noir, or I, reported Ladybug missing as well. I haven't heard from her in a while and it got me worried. I've gone to the statue Theo made of us and there, citizens have placed letters, candles, photos, anything you can think of, hoping that Ladybug will come back safe and sound. People have also placed photos of Marinette, hoping that she will appear soon too.

Alya posted the video of Lila on her Ladyblog right after we exposed her. She was breaking news for a week. People think that she's responsible for both Marinette's and Ladybug's disappearance. Others don't believe but then change their minds. Others haven't.

I've been trying to avoid my father ever since that day with Lila. Most of the time he's not around and well Natalie is still going for her morning walks to the park. She still lets me hang out with my friends. We also decided to not do anything until we know for sure that my father doesn't know anything and we have been meeting at the Liberty, which is where we are right now.

"It's been six weeks now Adrien. Don't you think if Lila told him we probably wouldn't be here?" Alya asks me. She has a point.

"Yes I agree but my father is smart. He knows that taking us out of the game would be a little too extreme. I mean explain to me how he would hide twelve bodies?" I ask and gesture to my classmates.

"Yeah, I guess that's true also," she says.

"So what do we do? Wait another six weeks? Marinette is still out there and so is Ladybug. I just thank god that Hawkmoth hasn't released an akuma," Luka says. He's right. He hasn't released any akumas in a while.

"Adrien?" Luka's voice interrupts my thoughts.


"What if Hawkmoth is planning something? Something big. He must know Ladybug is missing and Paris is defenseless."

"Or Lila is also missing?" Nino suggests.

"Or she has been akumatized and is looking for revenge," Alya says.

"Then that would mean..." Luka adds.

"We're the main people in her list," I add

"And Marinette," Alya also adds.

"Ladybug too," I say. God knows what Hawkmoth turned Lila into or where the hell she is, but whatever it is I have a feeling we're about to find out.

Marinette's POV

"Okay, sweetie stay still," I hear the nurse's voice tell me. I'm laying down on a table and there's a big machine above me. I'm getting an x-ray to see how my ribs are doing. The machine does its job and I wait for instructions. Soon this nightmare will be over. I tell myself. Natalie is here to supervise and to make sure everything is okay. If I'm healthy I can fight her. She can't be that hard to beat... right? "Let's get you back to your room," the nurse tells me. I nod and follow her back to the room that has been my home for the past six weeks.

We reach the room and we all walk in. I go to my bed and sit down. "I'll come back in ten with the results," the nurse tells Natalie. Natalie nods and the nurse leaves.

"Well, I do hope your master learned his lesson," I tell her.

"Me too," is all she says. She takes a seat and takes out her phone. I sit back and take out a sketchbook the nurse gave me. Sometimes I write or sketch doodles. Today I felt like sketching. I look back and forth at Natalie. I hear a knock on the door and the nurse walks in with an orange envelope. I looked at my drawing and I only got her face done. I close my sketchbook and listen to the nurse. "Are they healed?" Natalie asks.

"They are. The damage wasn't bad. Thank goodness." She takes out the photos and my ribs look how they should look. "She can leave tomorrow morning,"

"Why tomorrow?" Natalie asks.

"I just want to see how she holds up. You know... any trouble breathing and stuff," the nurse says. Natalie seems to not buy it but just nods.

"Okay. I'll come back tomorrow then to pick her up. I want a moment alone with her though," the nurse nods and leaves.

"What?" I say once the door closes.

"Let's get some things cleared. Tomorrow you'll behave. I'll take you back to Gabriel and you won't try anything funny. Got it?"

"But what if I do feel like doing something funny?" I ask.

"Glad you asked," she says and walks towards the door. She calls someone and a girl in a light green type of jacket or hoodie that reaches the floor walks in. Her shirt seems to be part of her jacket and underneath she wears a black shirt. Her pants are brown with stripes going up and down. She also wears gloves that show her fingertips and black heeled boots just below her knees (the photo of what it looks like is next to the video:) enjoy the rest of the story!). HOLY SHIT! "Marinette, meet a new and improved Lila," Natalie says before I can say her name.

"Hey," Lila says and her hands start to glow green. "Hawkmoth akumatized me and gave me acid hands. Do you know that stupid show called Kim Possible? Well, my powers are based on one of the villains on that show. Her name is Shego apparently. And well since Ladybug is also missing I thought it would be fun if I went out and caused some trouble." She said and smirked at me. I feel the urge to slap her but I calm myself down before I do anything. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you. Because with just one touch..." she looks down at my sketchbook and I immediately know what she's thinking. I tried to get it away from her but failed. She takes a look at it and then her hand glows again. The book turns to ash in seconds and I am praying for me to not be next.

"You'll cause trouble, Lila. Do not worry. Now we should go. We don't want someone seeing you and alerting Cat Noir," Natalie tells her. She starts to make her way towards the door but Lila doesn't follow.

"I need to talk to her. I promise I won't hurt her," she simply says. Natalie nods and walks out. Lila comes closer and sits on my bed. I sit up and cross my legs. "You're little friends seem to have taken your side. They don't believe me anymore. Thanks to you and your boyfriend," she chuckles and continues. "And here I thought you loved Adrien,"

"I don't. I let him go because he isn't the one for me. I decided to move on," I simply say. She chuckles again and then continues.

"I guess that whole speech of him being yours is bullshit now. He can now be all mine,"

"Oh please don't make me laugh. You said it yourself. They don't believe any of your words anymore. I think Adrien will never love a liar like you,"

"And for that, all of them including you will pay," she grabs my jaw but I jerk it away. "Not yet. Well, at least you not yet. I may not still know why Gabriel kidnapped you but I will. Bye-bye for now," she says and gets up and makes her way towards the door.

"Bye you little bitch," I say without any fear of her coming to hurt me. She instead punches the wall and leaves. "Guys be safe and careful because I think we may have released another monster without knowing."

I have something to say.... I haven't been feeling mentally well and I recently lost a family member to the coronavirus. I'm begging you all that if you value your life and your lives ones... please don't leave ur house unless you need to. I know I already said this a lot but please i'm begging. ik i can't force to stay home but just think about this. my dad has been on edge since my uncle's passing. and if you are going out please follow distancing rules and wear a mask! this virus is serious and i personally haven't process it well. i am doing fine for now but just please be careful out there. i love you guys with all my heart and thank you for reading this author's note❤️❤️❤️

stay safe and healthy

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