The Cat is Out of the Bag... Almost

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Adrien's POV

    "Guys!" I yelled. My driver took longer than what Natalie said so I was a bit late. Anyways, before that, I was debating whether to bring and tell everyone about Marinette's blazer being at my house or not. I decided that it was for the best if they knew. Rose, Juleka, Luka, Nino, and Alya were all here at the Liberty.

    "Hey, dude, what's wrong?" Nino said. I stopped in front of him.

    "I... need... to tell... you something..." I said between gasps.

    "Catch your breath first then tell us," Alya said. I took two deep breaths.

    "I at first didn't know whether to tell you, but I realize that it's better if you do," I said and took Marinette's blazer out of a book bag I brought with me. Everyone looked at it but said nothing.

    "Wait a minute. That looks a lot like-" Luka started to say. He stood up from his seat and walked up to me. He took the blazer and held it up. "This is Marinette's!" then everyone gasps. "Where was it?" I looked down. "Adrien, come on! You need to tell us!"

    "Okay. Let's go inside," we all got up and walked inside and sat down on the couch or the floor. I choose the couch. "This morning, as I was walking downstairs for breakfast, I heard voices coming from my father's office. He was there. So were Natalie and a different female. This person was talking about taking a girl to the hospital because she wasn't looking too good. I was hiding by the stairs when they walked out. They had the girl on a type of cot and covered from head to toe. Once I knew they were gone, I walked into my father's office. At first, everything looked normal, until I came across this," and pointed to the blazer Luka still had in his hands. "It was on the floor, next to the couch my father has in his office. I picked it up and looked at it closely and then realized it was from Marinette. And I believe that the girl who they took to the hospital is-"

    "Marinette," Luka said. I looked at him and he was holding her blazed tight and he was glaring at it. "We need to know where your father took her," he said and looked at me. "Why would he take her?! She's done nothing wrong to you or him!" he yelled and stood up.

    "Luka, believe me, I would tell you if I knew but I have no idea," I confessed. "I'm honestly very confused. I never thought my father would be capable of kidnapping a teenager," I said. I hugged myself and closed my eyes. I felt an arm around me. I opened my eyes and Nino was smiling at me.

    "We're here for you dude. Always," he said. I smiled back and turned to my peers. They were all smiling and nodding their heads.

    "I'm sorry Adrien. I'm just really mad and scared. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that," Luka apologized.

    "Don't worry, Luka. I'm also mad, confused, sad, and scared," I said looking at him. He smiled with sadness at me and I returned it. "So now what?" I asked.

    "We need to find her. I was too busy trying to find answers that I forgot to do the one thing that's more logical. Tracking her phone!" Alya said. She took out her phone and started typing. After a minute, she showed it to us. "This is where her phone is. Let's go," and we all rushed out.

We ended up in a street not too far from Marinette's place.

"She was telling the truth. She was almost home," Luka said. He looked down and Juleka put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and smiled.

"Guys I found her phone," Alya said and showed it to us. She typed on it and searched it. "Luka she was going to send you a text," she said.

"What did it say?" He asked her. He walked to Alya and she read the message out loud.

"I think someone is following me," she looked at Luka and then the rest of us. "She was in trouble when you two were texting. She was going to warn you but she was attacked by Adrien's father." She paused and looked down at Marinette's phone. "But why?" We all stood silent. Nobody knew why. We were all confused and filled with questions that have no answer. Luka walked towards something and bent down. His back was towards us. He turned around and showed everyone.

"Her purse," he said out loud. He walked towards Alya. She took the purse from his hands and examined it.

"I recognize these designs anywhere," she said. "We need to find her. No offense Adrien but your father is a monster. Why kidnap a 16-year-old girl?" I didn't have an answer. Nor words. And I don't think an "I'm sorry" is enough.

Hope y'all staying safe out there. Thanks for all the reads and comments again!!❤️❤️❤️

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