Searching for the Designer

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Adrien's POV

"Thank you. I'll text you when we're finished," and got off. I watched the car drive away and then made my way to Marinette's house. I text Luka but then the door swings open and he's there. "Come in," he said. I walk in and he closes the door.

"So what is it that you needed to show me?" I asked him once were in Marinette's room. He confirmed to me that Marinette's mom is letting us be here. I'm sitting on the type of couch she has in her room and he's sitting on the chair. He gets up from the chair and takes a seat next to me.

"This," he says and takes out his phone. He then plays a video. It's dark but in the background, you can hear him playing his guitar. Then a female voice.

"I'm sorry if I did something wrong." Lila.

"I heard things about you." A pause. "Bad things. And I don't like how you treated Marinette," Luka's voice said to Lila.

"I have never hurt Marinette. I don't know why she hates me so much,"

"I believe her,"

"Come on Luka. She must be jealous that I'm taking Adrien from her. But I mean I can't blame her for being jealous. No one is better looking than me, right? I hear some movement then Lila's voice again. "Don't you find me attractive? I see Luka shiver from the corner of my eye.

"No, I don't. And I love someone else," There was a pause then he spoke again. "Please leave. I don't care what you have to offer or say. I don't want you here in my house or near me and Marinette," there was a pause. Then Lila spoke.

"I see you chose your side as well. Well, I guess then you're going to have the same fate as Marinette." The video ended with Luka waving at his camera. I honestly don't know what to say.

"Do you think she's working with them? You know your father and his assistant?" he asks. I take a moment to process the question.

"Maybe. Oh and for the record I knew about her lies. Marinette and I both agreed that trying to expose her won't do her or us any good," I tell him. He seems taken aback and just nods. "We need to know where they have her. Natalie has been going for walks at the park every morning. Told me it helps her with her dizzy spells,"

"Okay. Around what time does she go for the walks?"

"Between seven and eight o'clock," I tell him. He places his right hand on his chin.

"Okay. Here's what we're going to do. You need to follow her or at least try to. I'll get out of my house or Mari's house around the same time they do. But I won't know where the hell they're going. UGH! How come people on TV make it look so fucking easy to make a plan?!" he shouts in frustration. He places his hands on his face and sighs heavily.

"We'll figure something out and find her," I assure him and place my hand on his shoulder. He looks at it then at me and smiles. I return it and feel my phone vibrate.

"Are you not coming?" It was a text from Lila. I replied with a simple no and put my phone away.

"Who was it?" Luka asks. I think he saw my annoyed face.

"Lila," I simply say.

"Oh," he simply says. There's a moment of silence but not the awkward one. He then breaks it. "We need to go to every hospital and ask if your father's assistant has been in there," his idea is not a bad one but just the two of us? "Anyone you want to join us?" he says as if he just read my mind.

"Not really. Everyone is with Alya and she thinks that Lila is a sweet angel when in reality she's a devil. I don't trust Lila and her searching with us and the rest of the group is just a bad idea," I say. He nods in agreement and places his hand on his chin again. He then snaps out of whatever hole he was and takes his phone out.

"I know just the right people," he types on his phone. "Now we wait," and he laid down on the couch.

It's been 20-30 minutes when the doorbell rings. Luka gets up and heads downstairs. A minute later, Rose, Juleka, Ivan and Mylene are walking into Marinette's room. Luka walks in last and closes the door.

"Okay. Guys. You all need to promise that what I'm going to show you, you'll watch it first then judge after it. Please?" He begs them. They all nod. "Okay. Come closer," I stay where I am and let them watch the video.

After the video is over, Juleka is speechless, Ivan looks mad and so does Mylene, and Rose is crying.

"What a bitch! And what did he mean by 'the same fate as Marinette'?" Mylene asks. I look at Luka and we both shrug. "Marinette was telling the truth. She always was. And we never believed her. And now she's paying the price," I heard her voice crack and then she was crying. Ivan took her into his arms and she cried onto his chest.

"I know you all believed Lila and her lies but now we need your help. Now that you know her truth, I trust that you won't tell Alya. I don't trust Lila and we suspect that she's working with my father," I announce to the group. They all pick themselves up and look both at me and Luka.

"What do you got in mind?" Juleka asks. 

"Search every hospital around my house. They couldn't have taken her far but we do need to be careful. If Lila sees us or Natalie, we could get caught. We have all day. Make sure you text the group chat that Luka created if you find anything. I was thinking we go solo so we can cover more ground. Does that sound okay?" I ask and they all nod. "Okay. We'll meet here at seven o'clock. Good luck," and we all go.

Luka's POV

I have visited three hospitals and clinics already and no luck. Everyone else is the same. I walk into another hospital and walk up the front desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" a nice nurse asks me.

"Hi. I was wondering if you saw this woman walk in here. Maybe every morning around seven or eight o'clock in the morning?" She looks at the photo on my phone and then back at me. Something's up.

"Come with me," she tells me. She says something to another nurse and she nods. The nurse looks back at me and guides me to the elevator. She presses the floor 14th and the doors close. "Who are you?" she asks me. I decided against it. As if she just read my mind she says, "I want to help her. Your... girlfriend?" she asks. I look down at the ground.

"We're not... umm... dating... yet... I hope..." I say.

"Hm," is all she says. The elevator stops and the doors open. She steps out and guides me to a room all the way down the hallway. The room doesn't have a number and it seems like there are no people on this floor. "This floor is on reparation. People barely come up here," she tells me. She opens the door slowly. When I walk in, the blinds are spread open, letting the sun come in. And there's a bed and on the bed there's Marinette.

Guys!! I am nearly writing the end of this book!!! I can't believe it!! And!! We're #17 on marichat?!?! WHAT!? This would've never happened without you guys!! Again thank you so much for all the comments and the votes and obviously the reads!!! Thank you! thank you! thank you! I love you all!!!❤️❤️

Also, I just want to say tht this last week the US has been in chaos and in protest for the murder of George Floyd. Justice will come. Please if you're anywhere near the riots or planning on protesting BE SAFE! it's okay to speak up and I encourage all of you to do so. #blacklivesmatter ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿#NOJUSTICENOPEACE

Stay safe❤️

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