The Investigation

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Adrien's POV

We walked to Marinette's house and tried the bakery door but it was locked. We walked to the back and knocked. No one answered.

Knock, knock.

    After a minute, Marinette's dad opened the door. His eyes were red and I could see the trails from his tears on his cheeks.

"Hey, kids. What are you guys doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" he asked.

"Hi, Mr. Dupain. And they canceled school. We're also helping look for Marinette," Alya said. Mr. Dupain's head fell. "If you don't mind, I would like to ask you and your wife some questions. That is if of course, you want to," she told him. A tear fell on Mr. Dupain's cheek and nodded his head. He stepped aside and we walked in. We entered the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"I'll go get my wife. Make yourself at home," he told us. We thanked him and left the room. I looked around and everything looked the same. My eyes landed on Alya, who was looking at something. I followed her gaze and turned around. She's looking at the stairs. The ones that lead to Marinette's room. The door opened and Marinette's dad entered followed by his wife. She also had red eyes. They walked in, closed the door and sat with us.

"Hi, Mrs. Cheng," Alya said. Nino and I also said hi. "I would like to help look for Marinette and I would also like to ask you some questions. Is that okay with you?" Alya asked her. I like how she's speaking to them softly and calmly. Mrs. Cheng nodded and Alya said "Okay." She took out a small notebook and pen. Where the hell did those come from? "Do you know at what time Marinette left her house and why?" she asked them. But we already know why.

"She told me that she felt a little stressed from all the studying and has been doing for the Midterms. She asked me if she could go out for a walk and fresh air. I let her and it was around eight." Mrs. Cheng answered. I saw Alya writing down on her notebook so I decided to ask a question.

"Do you know where she went to walk?"

"No, but I did tell her to stay close to home," she answered. I saw Alya keep writing so I asked another question.

"Do you know if she was talking to someone? Texting? Calling?"

"She has been texting Luka for quite some time. Maybe she lasted texted him."

"Have you spoken to the police? About any of this?" Alya asked.

"No. They said to wait 48 hours and see if she comes back," Mr. Dupain said. I looked at Alya, who was still writing in her notebook.

"Anything else that you guys might think is useful to know?"

"She took her little purse she always carries with her. I don't know what was in it but I do not think it was something bad or anything that could hurt someone else," Mrs. Cheng said. Alya wrote it down and stood up. She walked up to the couple and took Mrs. Cheng's hand.

"Thank you and don't worry. Marinette will come back home. Safe and sound. I promise," and smiled at them. They smiled back and she released her hand. We said goodbye and walked out of Marinette's house.

"So where now?" Nino asked.

"To the Liberty," said Alya.

    We reached Luka's home and walked on the ship. It was quiet and lonely.

    "Luka? Are you here?" Nino called out. "Hello?" No answer. Alya took out her walkie and spoke into it.

    "Rose? Juleka? Is Luka there?" We waited a couple of seconds and then Rose's voice came through.

    "Yes. He's here."

    "Okay. Where are you guys?"

    "At the Eiffel Tower."

    "Okay. Stay there. Adrien, Nino, and I are on our way."

    "Roger that."

    "See you in a bit," and she put the walkie back on her jeans. "Let's go," and we ran to the Eiffel Tower.

    We reached the Eiffel Tower and I saw Luka, Rose, and Juleka sitting on the grass. Rose was laying down on Juleka's lap and Luka had his guitar and was playing some notes. As we got closer, all three of them had frowns on their faces. Luka seems the saddest of the three.

    "Hey, guys," I said once we reached them. They looked up and said "Hi" to us. "Luka, we would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind. It's about Marinette." I said, he nodded and said,

    "Anything to find her," and stood up. I looked at Alya and Nino and they both nodded.

"Let's go somewhere private," Alya said.

"How about we go to my house?" I suggested. They all nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Luka so Mrs. Cheng told us that you and Marinette have been texting each other for a while now. When was the last time that you two texted?" Alya asked. We were in my room and they were sitting on the couch, while the rest of us sat on the floor.

"Yes, it's true. We have been texting each other ever since Paris was under attack,"

"What do you mean 'under attack?' As in an akuma attack?" Alya asked.

"Yeah. I saw what looked like wasps and protected Marinette. Before that, she was walking out of the park. She looked so sad. I was doing my routes when I saw her. I asked her if she was okay. At first, she said she was, but then she started crying and saying that she was tired of all of her responsibilities and having to put up a front all the time," he closed his eyes and then continued. "And that she has never been able to be who she truly is. I don't remember anything else other than that,"

"When did this happen?" Juleka asked her brother. He looked down at his hands and said,

"A month ago," Luka answered

"All that I remember from that day is that I was sitting with my family and Nino. We were about to eat breakfast together. I don't remember what happened from there," Alya said.

"Same here," I said. I remember that day perfectly but I can't say anything to them. If I do, they'll know who I am.

"Hasn't Chloe and Sabrina been absent for about a month now too?" Nino asked.

"I bet you something happened between Chloe and our heroes that we are all unaware of. I need to talk to Ladybug and Cat Noir," Alya said

"Let's go and find them," Luka said. We all nodded we rushed out of my room.

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