Marichat Story

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Hey guys! 

So as you all know I'm working on a Marichat Sin story. 

I already started working on it BUT I just got a different idea for it. Well the story line. 

What I normally have is Mari having magical powers that have been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries in her family. Sabine inherited them and passed them down to Mari. But Sabine's sister (yes I gave her a sister) wants the for herself. Mari is in danger because of her. The miraculous holders are protectors of the world. Like NATO or the UN if you will. Chat is on a missing to find their Ladybug and as usual the peacock and butterfly are missing. At some point Chat and Mari find each other and fall in love and you the sin part will come. 

For the second part, I wanted to do a more futuristic story. Okay so I got this idea from a POV on TikTok. So that POV was about how Gen Z was terminated but from hid and are living among the others. I was thinking of keeping Mari, Adrien, Alya, Nino, Chloe, Alix, Kagami, Luka, Rose, and Kim alive. While the rest of the class got caught and... you know.... 

I am still thinking but I wanted to ask you guys what would you prefer. I can write both for now but please please please do let me know.

Thank you!

and for any American reader here... please stay safe. This year has been crazy and this election just made it worst. If you're near any place where's riots. STAY INSIDE AND DO NOT PROVOKE THOSE TRUMP SUPPORTERS! I know they are sensitive when it comes to Donnie and shit but I don't want any of you getting hurt. 

Thank you.

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