The Missing Designer

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Marinette's POV


I tried opening my eyes but found it hard to do so.

Blink. Blink.

My eyes were getting adjusted to the light. I lifted my head and saw a big circle-shaped window and a blue light coming from it. There was a design of a butterfly on the window and Hawkmoth was standing in front of it. I moved my head to the right and saw my right hand chained. I looked left and it was chained as well. I jiggled my hands but obviously, it didn't work.

"It's useless to fight. Clearly, those chains are stronger than you," Hawkmoth turned around to face me. He had an evil smile that I wanted to smack right off his face.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Somewhere where no one will find you," he walked up to me and kneeled down. "Now let's talk, shaw we?" I looked him in the eye, mad furious at him.

"Where's Tikki?" I asked as threatening as possible.

"Glad you ask," he stood up and walked towards a table that I clearly missed. He brought it closer and sitting on it was Tikki. She had a cuff around her tiny body and looked so weak. Her antennas were so low it frightened me.

"Tikki! Are you okay?!" I pulled on my chains as hard as I could. A sinister laugh came from Hawkmoth.

"You can save her... If you tell me where the miracle box is," my heart sank. I became the new Guardian right after I defeated Chloe.

"I'll never tell you!" I said looking at him in the eye. He walked up to me and kneeled in front of me. He then suddenly slapped me. Tears threaten to escape but I didn't let them. 

"I'll get it out of you. It's only a matter of time.... Until then..." the window started to close. I heard some more machinery working and a loud clank, letting me know we were alone.

"Tikki?" I called out.

"H-hey," she answered. My heart sank. The sound of her voice sounded so weak. I need to get her out. I can't see anything, though. It's so dark down here or up here. I don't know.

"I need to get you out. I need to free you." And that's when I remember something. "Oh crap! I forgot about Luka! My parents! They must be worried sick about me! Oh no! No, no, no, no, no,"

"D-don't w-worry. W-we'll get out... of here," I hear Tikki say.

"Don't talk too much, Tikki. Just stay strong for me. Please. I don't want to lose you," I said. A little sound came from her and that's all she said. I could hear her taking deep breaths there and then. Please find us soon.

Adrien's POV

    "Wakey, wakey Adrien! Time to go to school!" I hear the voice of my kwami, Plagg, say in a singing voice. I set-up while rubbing my eyes. The sun was shining through my big windows. It's cloudy outside, meaning it might rain. I get myself out of bed and go to take a shower, get dressed and now to eat breakfast.

    I reach the dining room and sit down in my usual spot. After five minutes my father sits across from me.

    "Good morning, Father," I say to him.

    "Good morning, Son," he replies back. We get our breakfast served and we both start eating. I see Natalie coming towards me from the corner of my eye. She's about to tell me my schedule for today. "You have the day free today, son. You may go outside and hang with your friends if you like, but I want you home no later than nine. Is that clear?" my father said. I was so surprised and happy.

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