You're not soulless anymore, deal with it.

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Ink was for once, at a loss for words. His mind was blank, unable to form thoughts. Untill Alyss spoke again.

<So.. tell me. Are you okay? I don't want to accidentally break you.>

He stammered, now filled with a surplus of emotions, a lot of which he couldn't recognize, some of which he did. Mostly disbelief.

Then did the questions finally come. But he could only think to say one. "How did you even do this?"

<I needed a body. You needed a Soul. We were both barely getting by without those. Although you weren't even aware of your problem. So I put two and two together. Trust me, I couldn't find any better alternatives.>

Ink's jawbone hung open. He had so many questions, but didn't know how to ask them.

<You don't need to.>

She read his mind.

<How about.. I tell you a story?> Alyss offered kindly. "Why would I want a story?" Ink asked, baffled.

<So I can more properly explain things. But be warned, there are still many secrets I will keep to myself.>

Ink contemplated this for a moment.

                         "Hit me then, lady."

Alyss began.

<A long time ago, I used to be a human..

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