Bendy's Past

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Ink was enveloped in friends, both his own and Sinead's. A few he hadn't seen before stood around worriedly.

"INK!! Are you still hurting at all?! You were crying so much, and I couldn't do anything!!!" Blue cried, tears welling up in his sockets as he crushed Ink in a hug. "I'm sorry, Blue." He muttered. "But I'M SORRY!!"

A strange pink creature made of spiked circles, two triangular horns sticking up like cat ears and black hair eyed Ink with intense eyelights.

"So Sinead's stuck in you?" Ink bobbed his skull to the side. "Yep." She fell into the couch beside him as Blue sat opposite of him. "She's awake and everything?"

Ink stared as Sinead told him the girl's name. "Yeah, she's as awake as you and me, Arial." Arial flinched. "She told you my name, huh?" "Hmhmm."

She reached her strange arm behind her head timidly. "I know I look weird, it's just Corruption. I'm connected to it. I can look Minecraftian if it's more comfortable."

"Nah, buddy. Do what you want." Ink assured her. Arial smiled. "I was worried you'd freak out at me."

Ink couldn't respond because someone else appeared. Two people, actually. They looked like twins, and were Human. The girl was wearing an outrageous sweater and headband, the boy a simple vest and cap while carrying a book with a pine tree symbol that matched the one on the cap.

"OH MY GOD WHERE IS SINEAD?!!" The girl screamed, tugging her awkward twin behind her.

<Dipper and Mabel, the Pine Twins.> Sinead explained proudly. Mabel zeroed in on Ink, colorless eyes lighting up excitedly. "HOLY CRAP, YOU LOOK SO AWESOME!!"

She shook Ink's hand violently, and Carrot glared as Blue peeled the child off. "He's hurt, please be careful with my friend please, Human."

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry." She fiddled with her fingers as she smiled a little sadly at Ink. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh no, I'm fine! It doesn't hurt at all anymore. I get overexcited, too!" The Human grinned widely, braces colorful on her teeth. Then she gasped, shoving her brother in front of him.

"I'm Mabel and this is my awkward twin brother, Dipper!!" "Mabel!" Ink snorted at the embarrassing introduction. Dipper raised a meek hand in a wave. Ink took initiative and grabbed it for a shake.

Dipper gasped. "I wasn't expecting your hand to be so warm!" Ink chuckled, fire rolling out of his mouth. "That might be because I am literally full of fire."

Dream stood behind the twins. "InkareyouokayIsawyouinsomuchpainohmyGodIcouldn'tdoanything-" He smushed Ink in a big hug.

"I think I'm reaching my maximum on bear hugs today." Ink wheezed from under Dream's tight embrace.

"Oh sorry!" He backed off. "Is that better?" "Yeah. Just couldn't breathe."

Bendy was here now, Herobrine next to him. Is Sinead okay? The Human asked, back in his Minecraftian form.

"Peachy." Ink informed him. He stabbed a thumb in the kitchen's direction. "She left a ton of burgers in there, still fresh. I guess she knew you were coming." <I figured a bunch of people would come, yes.>

Several people migrated to the kitchen.

Dipper, Bendy, Dream, Blue, and Herobrine were left. "Wait, you said Sinead made burgers? I didn't know she cooked!" Dipper proclaimed.

<The Pines mostly only see me in dealings with Bill Cipher. He hasn't seen very much of me yet.>

Bendy and Herobrine were explaining how she would love to cook every so often.

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