Another One

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Ink felt it. That same presence from when the first puddle was before him in Minecraft. This time though, he could feel his Soul tugging towards it.

He had been​ going around and explaining what was going on with Dream and Herobrine helping. But he stopped dead in his tracks when he felt it. They were in Blue's Snowdin.

"Ink, are you okay- ohh, are you okay??" Ink?

Ink altered his path and headed for the source of the pull. "Where are you going, Ink?!" Dream called out.

Herobrine seemed to understand what was going on, and seemed to talk to Dream for a moment.

<Ink. It's too early for this. We are both recovering from the first one.>

"INK! DON'T DO IT!!" Dream yelled. Don't Make Me Stop You. Herobrine spoke in a threatening tone.

Ink didn't hear anything else, so he pressed on with determination. He couldn't really stop himself if he tried.

Soon enough, he stood in Hotland. He stared at the magma below, a paler flame dancing on it's surface.

Sinead was fighting him now. <It can wait for the love of God stop this insanity Ink!!!>

His Fire Soul pounded with fear and excitement. Ink snapped his skull to the left as he heard panicked voices.

Herobrine, Dream, Carrot, Blue and Error were yelling for Ink to stop. He stared at his friends, then at the flames longingly.

"I have to touch it.. you understand, right Sinead??"

Ink jumped off the walkway and plummeted to the molten magma.

He hit it painfully, like it was- it was semisolid. Ink was unharmed, but almost like he was possessed by another being that was neither him or Sinead, he reached for the entrancing flames that whispered their secrets..

Ink's fingers dipped into the blaze, and for a moment it was cool.

Blue strings appeared all around him as the fire crawled up his arm, slower than the first time.

Everything slowed as Ink watched in morbid fascination as it seeped into his arm, burning. He felt himself get tugged upwards as he sensed it sinking into the marrow and spread into the rest of his skeletal frame.

Ink only cried out once before he blacked out.

He woke up, coughing violently as the searing pain made him screech. Ink collapsed back into the unknown bed he lay in. He writhed in place, unable to scream this time. Ink settled for sobbing in agony, Sinead's conciousness a hard but fragile ball in his mind.

Ink was faintly aware of others in the room, but he had no idea who or how many. All he could do was be grateful it wasn't as excruciating as before.

He spent most of the time in a delusional state, visions filling his sight as he lay there, half-dead. Sinead babbled incoherently inside him.

After some time, Ink's mind cleared. He didn't move, terrified of the pain returning. But gradually, the tension faded. And he breathed, slowly. It hitched every once in a while, but Ink felt better. That was all that mattered.

All he did was focus on calming down. And that's what he did.
<Don't do it again.. don't do it, Ink..>

I'll try not to do it as quickly next time. I just can't seem to stop myself.

<Please Ink. For the love of God, try.> Her voice trembled slightly, and a fresh wave of black tears rolled down his face. She automatically controlled parts of him without meaning to.

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