What Now, Prophecies?

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So not all these Shards have a.. personality?
_We are living proof of that. You have 7 bottles and only four of us speak._ Alyss explained.
Four? But there's three of you??
The fourth one isn't much of a talker. She is the psychic. The part that has visions. I know, there's an actual part, it's not evenly spread out across our being. Ember explained, only leaving Ink more confused.

<Oh. That is interesting. Anyway, what Ember means is that there was a part of me that was... fucked up. Like, was weird, not disturbed. I'm not all that insane... I hope. Nevermind that. I was able to occasionally see the future! Yes. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so.. everything. It's tiring.>

Much wow. Big shock. So cool. Ugh. The psychic wasn't​ normal, obviously. I could feel when something was a good idea or not, or have the feeling that something was going to happen, but most importantly, randomly see snippets of the future. Never enough to understand, or something that kills me inside. Us now, I mean.

Ember was crude, but explained it well enough.
So as a split personality, she's silent?

All the voices shut up. Ink sensed a nervousness emanate from them.

{Just tune in to that one and see. We reached the conclusion to call her Speaker, even if it's not a title we have ever had in the past. It just makes sense..} Lily told him.

<Yes. It does. That was a title for Him. I miss the Shard. Now I am in shards.>
Okay, what's with the speaking in riddles? Ink asked.

<He's another Elemental. I don't feel comfortable talking about Six right now.>

Wait, his name's a number?

{He and his counterpart Urianna are connected to higher power, beyond any Magic.}
_The Lights speak through them._
And we are they more earthly ones.


Ink gave up asking what the heck they were saying, it was only gonna give him a skullache.
Instead, he tuned in to the second highest bottle on his new belt.

Now Ink was aware of the faint, incoherent whispering. It was oddly enough not.. insane sounding. He couldn't understand or describe it.
He just listened closely, now holding a hand over the vial.

After all life, beyond the grey
Our Love Transcends, all faith remains
Untill the day all Souls are One
Eternity we spend Alone.

The voice was strange, spoken with finality and notes of sadness.
Can you talk? He asked it.

Lost in a sea of voices
An eternal Void of screaming noises
One has choice
To use their voices
And discover the true Symphony

You speak in riddles. Great.
<Don't insult. You might get something out of this.>
You talk to it, then! It's literally you!
<Ink. You initiated conversation. She might say something that makes sense. Just keep talking. Don't be a pussy.>

Ink scowled, but let the comment slide.
Hey other Sinead! Can you predict how my future's gonna go?
You fucking serious?
_My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined._

When all Hope is lost.
Our Love is held hostage
You are trapped in a Holocaust
You must surrender your mind
To the blazing will of your Heart


{Ink, whatever that was, I feel it is safe to assume that it is not coming to pass for a very long time.}
<It's true. Some prophecies take years.>

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