Chapter 15 - Upside down

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Lucy's Pov

"C-CHEAT ON YOU?!" I said. Shocked. Of course, cheat on him—there is no absolute us on us, so there's no way I could be cheating.

"Oh? Lucy! My Bestfriend!"


I was remained speechless about everything. What in the world is happening? Rogue says cheating whatnot, and Lisanna is my best friend?

"What happened with the night with rogue?" She whispers teasingly, which I found very irritating. Wait . . .

"What?" A night with . . . what in the world—

"Have you forgotten? You're living with him. Lucy, Rogue just broke up with Yukino," Says Lisanna. "Ooh, you need some remembering-potion, Lucy!"

How the hell am I suppose to know?!

"We're going home, Lucy." Rogue said, as he grabbed my wrist and we headed to God knows where.


"Hey Rogue." I said. We just arrived at the house, and it was awkward. I need to put on some random conversation. I need to know them better, so I could ask what the hell is happening. If I saw I'm from Fairytail recklessly, I know they wouldn't believe me.


"Did you really broke up with Y—"

"Shut up!" He said

Due to my shock, I bowed my head. I must've hit a nerve.

I headed to a room. It looked exactly as my room back then. Everything I need is there, my keys, even my pictures.

I locked my door and I fell myself on the bed.
I stood up, and then, I saw a big mirror. I saw my reflection on it.

"Nothing much changed . . . but, my guild mark . . ." I said as I looked at it. It was saber. A pink saber guild mark. It was no longer Fairytail. What happened . . . I don't understand. Is there a certain spell?

That man . . .

Knock knock.

"I—I'm sorry, Lucy." It was Rogue, the moment I opened the door.

"I didn't mean to shout at you." His voice was really sincere so, I opened my door wide, and then, he suddenly hugged me.

"I—I'm sorry," he said as he separates from the hug and touched my chin and he kissed me in my neck.


"Rogue! What are you doing?!" I said and pushed him in full force. I have no absolute feelings for Rogue. Not a tiny bit.

"I'm so sorry, Yukino—I mean, I'm sorry Lucy."

I thought he's going to leave but he hugged me tight.

"Yukino, Yukino, don't leave me . . . please," He says, "Yukino . . ."

He then pushed me in the bed, and then I felt his warm lips on my neck, that made me shiver down my spine.

In the end I pushed him, and then I walked away, no, ran away from him—this is too much. This is just too much!

I sobbed. I need to get out. What's happening in the world? I wished I remember.

I saw Rogue heading towards me. I want to slap him. I want to kick him.

My tears began to fall again, as he came to me. He was also saddened, his eyes filled with regret.

"I'm so, so sorry Lucy." He said, as he bowed his head, "I was . . . I was so broken, Yukino . . ."
I just smiled at him

I embraced him. Even if I have no feelings for him, I could feel the sadness, maybe it was because I felt it before. The feeling of being rejected, being . . . being not chosen. "It's alright, Rogue,"

When he separated from the hug, he caressed my cheeks, and came with a rather unexpected question.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Lucy?"

Lucy's Harem: Book II (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now