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When we got home we all went to Gaby's room because we were told that she had gone to the doctor and came back in Alex's arms, once in there we notice Alex sitting on a chair near Gaby's bed and whiskey was laying on her stomach. When he heard us come in he lifted his head and then placed it back down once again, Alex got up and bowed his head to my uncle and aunt in respect.

"Your majesty's" he said
"How is she Alex" my uncle asked
"She is just taking a nap, doctor said she will be okay she just needs to rest" he said
"Why did she go see the doctor" my aunt asked
"That's is something I promised I was not going to say my lady" Alex answered
"Alex can you just tell us if she is or isn't pregnant" Isis asked
"I can not say anything" Alex answered once again
"You really don't have to Alex, her scent is changing which confirms what Isis just asked. She is pregnant, isn't she" my aunt asked
"Yes my lady" Alex said
"Do you know how many pups she is having" my uncle asked
"No your majesty she fainted when she was told that she was pregnant the doctor said it would be best to let her process everything before she does the ultrasound" Alex said
"Will she be telling the father" I asked
"She said that the moment her mate rejected her not only did he reject her but also her pup, she said the pup was hers and hers only and made me promise it would stay that way" Alex said
"Then that's how it will be, I am sorry for your cousin Isis but my daughter and her wishes will always come first" my uncle said
"I understand your majesty, we also told my cousin that if she was or wasn't he wouldn't know and most likely wouldn't get to meet the pup or pups" Isis said
"Ethon go and tell your father to let everyone know that no one is allowed to say anything about Gaby being pregnant, who ever disobeys our orders shall be punished" my uncle said
"As you wish uncle" I said

I mind linked my parents telling them what my uncle said and after we all heard the announcement I said goodbye to my parents and headed to my room where our stuff was taken to, once inside Isis said that she was going to take a shower and then take a nap. I went to my desk and took out my laptop and plugged it in to charge, in case she wanted to listen to some music while she fell asleep she could. Some time later she came out of the bathroom and went into the closet to change while I went and took a shower as well, I had some papers I had to fill out before I took over my fathers position as Beta for Gaby when she took over as Queen. I am pretty sure she will do so after she has the pup, right now she doesn't need anymore stress.

"What do you think will happen now that we know she is pregnant" Isis asked
"We will have to be there for her more than ever" I said
"I still can't believe my cousin did that, I mean he has been looking for her since he turned sixteen and now that he finds her he mates with her gets her pregnant and then rejects her" she said
"Yeah but now that he knows she is royalty he wants her back, if Gaby finds out that we told him that she is royalty and that's why he is looking for her she is going to hate us" I said
"Maybe he is looking for her because he realized she might be pregnant and well she is" she said
"Your right but you don't know Gaby like I do, we can't even tell him about the pregnancy because we will be punished as well" I said
"So when would he most likely find out" she asked
"Coronation day" I said

With that we both went to bed and fell asleep, while thinking of how we could tell Fabian about Gaby's pregnancy without getting caught and getting punished, Isis did say one way that made total since but it was to risky. Now that we know she is pregnant most likely my uncle may put a guard to be by her side at all times and if I know my uncle he is placing all his trust on Alex, he was the one that gave her whiskey and its known that he has always seen her as a daughter ever since he lost his mate and daughter to rouges before he came to work at the castle as a body guard before taking revenge on the rouges that killed his family. We kept thinking over and over again of what we could do or how we could tell Fabian of Gaby's pregnancy, after awhile we have up and we let the darkness take over us and we fell asleep.

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