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I couldn't believe what I was looking at, in front of me stood Gaby with a "X" over my mark. I wanted to say something any thing but nothing came out, as I looked at Gaby's eyes all I could see was anger and determination not one sign of sadness in them. I walked towards her all I could do was walk and almost stand in front of her, she looked into my eyes to see the sadness and the tears that wanted to come out and roll down my face.

"You should go back to your wife" she said with so much strength in each word she said
"How can you be alive, I held you in my arms and cried your death" I said
"I saw" she said
"That's all you have to say to me, after all these years that's all, you have to say" I asked
"On please Fabian, stop acting you and I know that you never wanted to be with me or my kids all you wanted was my statues" she said
"You had been seeing your now wife since before we got together, since before you and I marked each other" she said
"What are you talking about" my mother asked
"Neither one of you realized that Fabian was always in the phone before I went missing right, no one saw how he would sometimes go missing and sometimes not come back until late at night" she said
"He was doing his job as your mate and future king" her father said
"He was talking and texting her, meeting her when he was supposed to be at meetings with their packs" she said
"Gaby what are you saying" Isis asked
"I'm saying that my suppose mate never wanted me and you both knew that so damn well, you both saw and heard what he said about me after he rejected me but he changed his mind when you both told him I was royalty or am I talking falsely" she said
"That's not true" I said
"So you don't have a son with her by the name of Fabian Jr the third right" she said

I looked at her how can she know about him, I looked into her eyes and I could tell she knew more that she was letting on. Jr had gone missing from his school and I was doing everything to find him but we couldn't do it, even my wife's pack couldn't find him anywhere. I looked at Gaby and I could feel like she was bidding something but I didn't know what, as I looked at her eyes she started to smile in a wicked way that I didn't like at all.

"What did you do" I asked
"What do you mean" she answered
"I feel like your hidding something" I said
"Oh really, now the question is what am I hidding" she said
"Where is he" my wife asked
"Where is who" she asked with a smirk on her lips
"Where is my son" my wife asked
"And why would I have him" she asked
"You hate me for taking your mate but hate him more for not loving you but your title" my wife said confirming everything Gaby had said
"Even with all the hatred that I have for both of you I would never do anything like what you are causing me off" she said
"Then where is he" my wife asked
"Why don't you ask your own pack, I mean they didn't seem so happy to know that you had a son with the mate of their queen. Not even your parents were happy to know that Fabian wasn't your real mate, aww the sad look on your mother's face when I told her and showed them both his mark on me" she said

At that moment my wife changed into her wolf and charged at Gaby, missing by very little when Gaby moved out of the way. Before anyone could do anything the Red Crescent Moon Pack had made a circle around them both not allowing anyone to get in between them and stopping the fight, Gaby was in her human form the whole time just dodging every charge my wife did towards her. Every time my wife would miss Gaby would sjust start laughing at her making my wife even more angry at that moment I realised what Gaby was doing, she was tiring my wife out so she would be slow for when Gaby decided to attack back. I wanted to step in between both of them but while I wanted to defend my wife my wolf wanted to defend his actual mate and mother of his pups, I tried so many times to get to them and stop the fight but I was stopped by the Red Crescent Moon Pack members not allowing me to get in the circle and stop them and before I could do anything we all heard a loud crack and when we all turned to see what it was I saw my wife's motionless body on the floor.

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