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Today we are going to bury Gaby, Midnight keeps telling me that Gaby is still alive because she can still since Luna although we have seen and held Gaby's body in our arms. The twins have not been the same since Gaby went missing and now that she is gone they have gotten worse, both my mom and Gaby's mom have been helping me with them although they say that what they want is their mother. I was finishing dressing in to my black suit when dad came in and told me that everything was ready for the funeral, I nodded and walked out with him to the back yard where we would bury Gaby in her rose garden. Wolf's came from all over the place, some came from close by and some from far away, all came to show their respects to their late queen.

"How you doing" asked Ethon
"Wish I could say that I was okay but I'm not" I said
"I know man but you have to be strong for the twins they need you now more than ever" Ethon said
"I know but how can I do this without her" I said
"You will figure it out" he said

As we got everything started another pack of wolf's arrived lead by a solid black wolf, the wolf was masking it's scent because nobody could smell if it was a male or female. As it made it's way to where Gaby was in her coffin, each wolf had a moon flower in their mouth and placed it in the coffin with Gaby. The black wolf stayed by the coffin as all the other wolf's placed their flower in the coffin, once all the wolf's had placed their flower in the coffin the black wolf stood up and walked behind them but stopped in front of Gaby's parents and looked at them before bowing it's head. They both looked shocked to see this wolf here but I didn't know why, I walked over to them and it turned to look at me and I could feel like I knew this wolf from some where but couldn't remember from where. As the ceremony came to an end we started to lower Gaby in to the ground where she would rest in peace after everything she had gone through, I turned to see if I could see the black wolf and it's pack but I couldn't. I turned to see Gaby's parents looking up to a hill and I followed their site only to find the black wolf looking down as we lowered the coffin into the ground, as  I looked closer into its eyes I could tell that it was crying but I didn't know why.

"Who is that wolf" I asked Gaby's parents
"We don't know but it's like we know it from some where" Gaby's father said
"Yeah I got the same feeling" I said
"What pack was that" Gaby's mother asked
"The Red Crescent Moon Pack" Ethon said
"How do you know" I asked
"One of the members is my friend from high school" he said
"What's their alphas name" Gaby's father asked
"Don't know but she is very strong and very feared" he said

Once we turned to see where the black wolf was it's had already left, we turned to each other not saying anything for along time as we saw some wolf's start to push the dirt over Gaby's coffin. I wanted to know about this she wolf but most important I wanted to know why she was crying for Gaby, did they know each other and if so from where and why didnt Gaby ever talk about knowing this she wolf. Once all the dirt was placed I went back in tot he house to see the twins, they where asleep in their own cribs as I looked at them I heard a sad howl coming from outside. I ran out as fast as I could only to hear my see the black wolf turn and run in to the forest with her pack, I shifted into  my wolf and started to run after her I was going to get the answers to the questions I had and if it was possible I was going to get them for her. When I was close to getting near her she turned sharply and I lost sight of her, i started to try and see where she had gone but their was no tracks to follow and her pack was as fast as her so I couldn't follow them either. I turned and ran back to the castle to be with the twins and do my best to be the best father I could be, I didn't know how I was going to do it but I had to try.

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