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As I looked at who I assumed to be Selena I was able to see that she had blood dripping from her left hand, on the same side that Fabian had said he had placed his mark on Gaby. The only way I would know if it was Gaby or Selena is by her face expressions, Gaby would always slightly wrinkle her nose when she looked at the twins so I paid very close attention to her when she turned to place the crowns on Elena and Marcos and just like I had guessed she wrinkled her nose. I turned to see Isis as she is also looking at me with the same expression letting me know she also saw what I saw, she nodded her head and I nodded back letting her know I understood what she was trying to tell me.

"I know who you really are" I told Gaby through the mind link
"And who am I" she asked
"Gabriela pretending to be Selena" I said

She turned to look at me with a slight smirk on her face, I now knew what she was doing but why didn't she stop the wedding. I started to walk up to her with Isis right on my tail, my friend Mike saw me and bowed his head in respect as well as everyone one else in the Red Crescent Moon Pack did as well except Gaby. I then turned to the twins who looked at Fabian and with a big smile on their face the both said that they had told him that their mother was alive but be didn't believe them, Alex also looked at him with a discuss face on. Fabian walked up to us and Mike, Alex and I got in front of Gaby, she placed a hand on my shoulder as well as on Mike making us step aside and get in front of the twins.

"Who are you really, you look like Gaby but smell like two different people" Fabian said
"Well I am two different people, I mean I am a werewolf so I do have a different personality just like you do" Gaby said
"Gaby is dead, who are you" he almost yelled
"I am who I am"she said smiling at him with a devilish look on her face
"Why do my kids say that their mother is alive when she is dead and burried in the rose garden that she grew" he said
"Yet here you are questioning me of who I am" she said
"Selena stop this it's not funny" my aunt said
"No mother it isn't funny, it's hilarious" she said laughing
"How can you laugh with something so serious like this" Fabian said
"How can you just finish marrying a woman that isn't your mate or mother of your children" she said
"Gabriela is dead, I held her in my arms when your pack members brought her body to the castle" Fabian said

I looked at Isis and she walked forward and looked at Gaby extending her hand out so Gaby would take her jacket off, Gaby turned to me and I nodded my head she needed to be honest with everyone here and take her place next to her children. She unzipped the jacket and started to take it off allowing the strong smell of blood to be smelled by everyone, when I turned to see Fabian I could tell he was starting to realize who was in front of him. When Gaby took the jacket completely off her long hair was covering her mate mark but when the wind blew her hair exposed her mate mark with an "x" right through it, Fabians eyes went wide when he saw what everyone was looking at. He wanted to say something but all he could do was open and close his mouth like a fish out of the water, he didn't know what to say or how to react. In front of him was his mate who he thought was dead and he just married someone else, I could tell that he had tears in his eyes but he was fighting to hold them in. Gaby on the other hand looked more serious and held her head up not one sign of tears or sadness in her eyes, the only thing that I could see was anger and determination like she had been preparing herself for this moment.

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