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Lionel paced around the cell. There was nothing else for him to do because they don't give prisoners anything to do in jail, especially prisoners who are on death row. Lionel attempted you murder Morticia   Addam's husband, Gomez Addams. He wanted his wife, Morticia for himself because they dated when they were teenager and they wanted to resume their relationship. Morticia, was already married to her husband Gomez and had two children, named Wednesday and Pugsley. She loved all three of them with all her black heart and no one and nothing could change that. Not matter how much Lionel persisted, Morticia loved Gomez with all her heart and her loyalty lies with him.

Lionel did love Morticia. He did want to start over didn't genuinely want to hurt her. The night he captured her and held her hostage was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He may not have told Morticia that, but it tore him apart inside to see the woman he loved like that. Tears fill his eyes as he remembered that night. He hated to see the woman he loved so battered, bruised, and hurt. It had destroyed him just as much as it destroyed her. He blamed Gomez for what he has done. In his eyes, if he hadn't taken Morticia away from him none of this would've happened.

"Gomez Addams I will kill you. I want to watch you suffer the way I have. I want you to rot in jail or worse...die even. I love your wife, but if it comes to the point that her life is at risk then so be it if it means getting my hands on you." Lionel thought to himself. He blamed Gomez for being sent to jail. Lionel hated prison. He hated dining with the other inmates, how everyone in jail liked to be tough and act better than everyone if they were weaklings they could single out, but what he hated more than anything was privacy privileges were revoked. This prison had open jail cells, and everyone could see Lionel change his clothes or use the bathroom. He missed his old soft bed, but in here he had to sleep on a twin cot with a beat up old mattress with no blanket and no pillow, and instead of wearing his old clothes, he like all the other inmates were required to wear orange jump suits. Not that he objected to orange, he liked bright colors but he preferred his nice suits rather than these poor excuses for jump suits. Bored, Lionel laid on his bed for about twenty minutes until a police officer came in and unlocked Lionel's cell to escort him to dinner.

"Dinner's ready 00476." The police officer said grabbing Lionel by the arm. Officers were required to hold on to the inmates when they were escorted to meals, or their chores so they wouldn't attempt to escape. This wasn't always successful, but it helped reduce the amount of escaped convicts throughout the year.

Lionel and the officer walked in the cafeteria and Lionel sat in his usual seat, in the table in the back where no one sat. Lionel was satisfied enough, he didn't want to talk to anyone of those filthy criminals in the room. Every table was called up to get their dinner. Lionel hated this. Calling the inmates up for meals was one in the same as calling elementary school children up for lunch. Lionel was about to dig in to his dinner when two police officers were dragging a struggling woman around his age, maybe a few years younger, in the cafeteria.

"I'm telling you! I didn't do anything! I don't belong here!" The woman exclaimed as the officers continued to drag her. They dragged her through the crowd of inmates and slammed her into Lionel's table. The woman began to cry. Lionel noticed the woman's long brown hair was a rats nest, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She looked tired, as if she hasn't slept in days, and her crying only made her look worse. Lionel could feel a familiar feeling building up inside of him. He felt this same feeling when he held Morticia hostage in his basement. Sympathy. He hated himself for feeling towards this woman, but he couldn't help it, he did.

"We're going to make sure they have enough left for you to eat, but you better eat it." Officer Charles said pulling the woman's hair and pushing her head into the table as he let it go. The woman looked at Lionel with her blue, tired, watery eyes. Lionel felt dread creep up in his chest. He knew he was going to have to say something or have an even more u pleasant dinner time.

"Are you knew here?" Lionel asked, regretting talking to this woman already.

"Y-yes." The woman said through tears.

"What are you in for?" Lionel asked.

"I uh, well.....I was accused of doing something I didn't do...I was wrongly accused of murder and I have evidence to prove I'm innocent!." The woman said. "I wasn't anywhere near the scene of the crime!"

"I'm sorry to hear that." Lionel said placing a supportive hand on the woman's. Lionel noticed the woman didn't pull her hand away and he was strangely touched by it. "I don't believe you are capable of such a thing."

"Thank you." The woman said. "But What makes you think so? After all we've just met!"

"What with the way those officers were dragging you in here like you were a puppet of some sort?! And believe me, I know genuine tears when I see them."

"Can you blame me for struggling the way I did?! I don't belong here!" The woman exclaimed beginning to cry all over again.

"What if I told you I'll help you get out of here." Lionel said.

"You couldn't possibly get me out of here! This prison is surrounded by prison guards!" The woman exclaimed.

"I have ways of accomplishing what I wish." Lionel said.

"Really? Well, I'd appreciate you getting me out of here. I'm frightened of this place!" The woman said. Lionel strangely felt Ana urge time gently squeeze this woman's hand and reassure her everything will be alright. But he resisted and simply said: "I won't let any of these filthy people harm you. They don't know what they're doing with their lives.

"Thank you." The woman said.

"Anything for a fine lady!" Lionel said. He found he liked being with this woman. "What's your name?"

"Susan, or I mate 00477." The woman answered. "What's your name?"

"Lionel Barker." Lionel answered extending his hand for Susan to shake and the two inmates shook hands. Lionel was surprised to find that he thought he might actually like the woman sitting in front of him.

"I meant to ask you, Lionel what are you in for?" Susan asked. For the first time in his life, Lionel felt terrified. He didn't want to tell Susan that he had tried to kill another woman's husband because he wouldn't let him have his wife and how he held his wife hostage. He didn't want to frighten her more than she already was.

"Robbery." Lionel lied, hoping she felt calmer in his presence now.

"Really? Why did you steal?" Susan asked.

"Because I was raised that way, I was raised to steal to get what I want," Lionel answered. "My father was a criminal. My mother left him because of the way he lived and I don't have any other family.

"Not that I'm condoning your behavior, but I'm sorry about your mother leaving and you not having a good upbringing as a little boy." Susan said.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Lionel said. Susan smiled a sweet smile. Susan began to like being with Lionel just as much as Lionel was beginning to enjoy being with her.

        Ooooo! What do you guys think? Do you think Lionel found someone to love other than morticia? You will just have to wait and see! And I'm so sorry for the long wait! I will try to update more often and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This may be longer than my first story, but I'm not sure, so I'm just going to see how everything pans out. Plz don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you think! See you all in the next chapter my lovelies!! Byeee!!!😁😁😁

Munsters Meets Addams 2: Lionel's Revenge Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu