'Amadeus Munster'

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        Hey everyone! I thought the song 'you'll be in my heart' by Phil Collins goes with this chapter. If you wanna hear it, swipe right!

Lurch stood at the door, puzzled. He never overheard the Munsters talk about any long lost relatives. In fact, Lurch couldn't remember that family mentioning a relative by the name of Amadeus either.

"Amadeus Munster." Lurch introduced.

"Munster?" Lily asked lookin to Herman.

"I don't know any relative named Amadeus anywhere!" Herman exclaimed.

"And if I didn't know better I'd say we don't have a relative named Amadeus. But I didn't know we had an Uncle Cavanaugh either...."Marilyn trailed off.

"If you're really a long los relative, where are you from?" Lily demanded.

"Why I'm from the old country! Isn't that where all the Munsters are from?" Lionel asked.

"Well, yes, but what is your relation?" Lily asked. Lionel froze. He hadn't thought this part of the plan through with Susan either and mentally face palmed himself.

"Lionel if you wait too long, they'll get suspicious!!" Lionel thought. "That's it! I'll simply tell them I'm Herman's second cousin! Foolproof!"

"I'm Herman's second cousin twice removed." Lionel answered.

"I didn't know I had a second cousin removed two times." Herman said.

"Oh don't worry about it dear, our family is rather a large one." Lily said.

"You're right about that, dear." Herman said.

"Well, Amadeus, welcome to the family!" Lily exclaimed.

"Hold on..." Marilyn started. "If you're really a long lost relative, how come you didn't look for us at our house first? You do know it's rude to look for someone at somebody else's house."

"Umm....the bird! The bird told me where you were and said to come here." Lionel answered.

"You mean the bird in the cuckoo clock?" Marilyn asked.

"Yes." Lionel answered.

"Oh that bird! He never learns to keep his beak shut no matter how many times I shove him back into that clock!" Lily exclaimed.

"Some animals never learn." Herman said just as Morticia walked into the living room.

"Oh we have a guest!" Morticia exclaimed.

"Yes, this is our long lost relative Amadeus Munster." Lily introduced. Morticia looked into 'Amadeus' eyes and noticed something very familiar about him, but she couldn't quite put her finger on where she knew him before. Morticia began to feel faint. Gomez noticed and caught her.

"Are you alright, Querida?" Gomez asked.

"Umm, yes darling, I just think I...n-need some fresh air for a while." Morticia said walking out of the house.

"Is she alright?" Lily asked.

"I hope so..." Gomez said.

"I will go check on her." 'Amadeus said.

"No, I shall go check on her." Gomez said walking toward the door.

Morticia walked out and sat on her chair on the front porch. Her head spun. She couldn't understand how on earth that could be Lionel. This man claimed he was a long lost relative of the Munsters, but he looked so familiar, and she knew she's seen those piercing sinister eyes anywhere. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Gomez walked out on the porch and sat beside his wife.

"Querida, something'a troubling you, what's wrong?" Gomez asked.

"Oh, it's nothing dear." Morticia answered.

"Tish, you always tell me to confide in you because you're my wife, and now I'm telling you to confide in me because I'm your husband. You can and should tell me anything and everything." Gomez said supportively touching her hand. Morticia squeezes his hand in return.

"I'm afraid that man who claims to be a long lost relative of the Munsters is Lionel." Morticia answered almost shaking with fear.

"My dear, Lionel is in prison, and there is no way he can break out." Gomez said.

"Watch prison pictures with mama and you'll see just how he can escape!" Morticia exclaimed.

"Pay no attention to television.  Television is not reality." Gomez said.

"I just don't want anyone taking little Wednesday or Pugsley or try to kill you again." Morticia said beginning to cry.

"Querida Mia...." Gomez trailed off wiping her tears. "I promise, no one, but no one, shall harm my wife children, or family as long as Gomez Addams is a around!"

"Oh darling, you're so brave." Morticia said through her tears.

"I'd do anything to protect you, our children and our family." Gomez said stroking the top of his wife's hand with her thumb.

"Now, shall we go back inside?" Gomez asked.

"Yes, I am getting rather tired." Morticia said. Gomez scooped his wife up bridal style and carried her into their room and gently placed the covers over  her.

"Gomez, darling?" Morticia asked. Gomez held Morticia close to him.

"We'll always be together, even in death?" Morticia asked.

"Sod course, Querida! You know our lifeless bodies will rot together for all eternity!" Gomez exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm so happy Gomez daring." Morticia said nuzzling close to Gomez. Gomez kisses the top of Morticia's head.

"Sleep well my Querida." Gomez whispered.

       Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the song above!! Plz don't forget to vote and comment sorry for the long wait for the update! Plz don't hate! And plz go follow my friend natasharussia and read her stories! She'd greatly appreciate it! And attention all you Harry Potter fans she is writing a Harry Potter fan fiction! Thank you and see you all in the next chapter my lovelies! Byeee!!!

Munsters Meets Addams 2: Lionel's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now