Morticia The Raven

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        Hey everyone! So sorry for frequently updating my previous chapter! I've just noticed that there were some changes that needed to be made so for this of you who already read if you chose to reread it feel free to reread!

Gomez never left his beloved wife's side. He tended to her all night by placing that cold cloth on her forehead and holding her hand. He didn't sleep. He was too worried about his Tish. He went to the bathroom to wash his face at the sink to wake himself up and once he went back into his and Morticia's room he jumped out of his skin at what he saw lying in Morticia's spot on the bed. What he was not Morticia. It was a raven.

Horrified, Gomez called for help and everyone came rushing into their room.

"What's wrong Gomez?" Uncle Fester's asked.

"What's wrong? Fester I'm afraid your chemistry set is at fault for this little matter! Why is my wife a raven!?" Gomez asked.

"I'll have you know Gomez I haven't touched that chemistry set since Tuesday!" Uncle Fester exclaimed.

"Then why is my wife a raven?! Did you concoct a potion to turn someone into one and test it on her?!" Gomez demanded.

"Now why would I use my own niece as a test monkey?!" Uncle Fester asked.

"I don't know Fester!" Gomez exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. "You're always doing something!" Mama and Grandpa looked at each other. They knew they messed with Uncle Fester's chemistry set and the guilt bubbles up inside them until they couldn't take it anymore.

"We borrowed it! Guilty as charged!" Grandpa and Mama exclaimed in unison.

"Why on earth would you borrow my set without asking my permission first?! You two could've seriously caused something serious to happen!" Uncle Fester exclaimed.

"If sos thing happens to my wife....." Gomez started.

"It's ok! Nothing will happen!" Grandpa exclaimed. "I can fix this."

"Oh really? Father, do you remember all the other times you've tried to fix one of your potion mishaps?" Lily asked.

"So my potions don't always work! I'm still learning!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"For over three hundred years." Lily said smartly.

"If grandpa can't do it can Mama?" Eddie asked.

"I don't know know I'm only good with cauldrons..." Mama started. "But maybe I could brew something up in the cauldron that might help."

"What's going on?" A voice asked.

Everyone turned to see that Morticia had awaken up which scared everyone. They didn't know how to tell Morticia she was a raven.

"Tish, before you wake up there's uh....a little thing you should know." Gomez said.

"And what is that, darling?" Morticia asked. Gomez walked over to Morticia, scooped her up in his hand and walked her over to her vanity desk and showed Morticia her reflection. Normally Morticia would be delighted at the thought of a raven, but she don't want to be one. Morticia screamed with unpleasant horror.

"Why on earth am I a raven?!" Morticia exclaimed.

"I'm sorry was Grandpa and I's fault." Mama said.

"What do you mean?" Morticia asked.

"I mean, Grandpa and I used your Uncle Fester's chemistry set because Grandpa wanted to gets a giraffe potion on someone and you got the potion spiked into your was supposed to turn you into a giraffe but somehow you ended up a raven!"

"A raven is certainly better than a giraffe!" Morticia exclaimed.

"What could you POSSIBLY need a giraffe for?!" Herman asked.

"I second that question!" Lily exclaimed.

"Now calm down everyone it was supposed to be all in good fun!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"Well I don't think mother's having any fun!" Wednesday exclaimed.

"Yeah! We want our mother back! NOT a raven!" Pugsley exclaimed.

"I agree with them Grandpa. I know how I'd feel if mom were in the same situation." Eddie said. Lily put a loving arm around her son and ruffled his hair.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"Gomez! Calm yourself son!" Mama exclaimed.

"How am I supposed to calm down when my wife is a raven?!" Gomez exclaimed.

"We will try to fix this...I brought my potion book!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"So help me Grandpa, if my friend stays a raven forever you will be hearing from get your potion book, and FIX THIS!!!" Lily exclaimed pointing at the door.

"Mama, wed better go, when my daughter gets angry, you do not want to be in the same room!" Grandpa exclaimed grabbing mama's hand and running out do the room as fast as his legs could carry him.

Morticia perched herself on Gomez's shoulder. Gomez looked at his wife with all the love he had for her. He took her off his shoulder and held her in his hands.

"Courage Querida." Gomez said. "We'll fix this and turn you back into a human. I promise."

Morticia flew up to Gomez's cheek and nuzzled her little head against his cheek as if to pat it. Gomez kisses her little raven head in response.

"I love you Mon Cher." Morticia said.

"I love you too Querida." Gomez said. "Even if you're a raven, you will be the only cactus in the garden of my life." Gomez said.
Gomez, Lionel (aka Amadeus)Uncle Fester, Grandpa, Mama, Morticia, Marilyn and Lily were in Uncle Fester's room trying to come up with a cure for the raven potion.

"All of these ingredients I do not have." Uncle Fester said. "I used them all at one point or another."

"And you let me borrow some of those ingredients for the things I brew up in my cauldron." Mama said.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Gomez asked.

"I don't know." Uncle Fester answered.

"Is there anywhere we can go?" Lily asked. "There has to be someone in the old country who can help!"

"Come to think of it....I believe there is someone who can help us." Grandpa said.

"Who?" Lily asked.

"Your sister." Grandpa answered.

      So we are going to finally meet Lily's sister! I wish she appeared in the original show but we can't have everything! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment down below and let me know what you think! And thank you to my friend natasharussia for the raven idea and the cast idea for Lily's sister! Ps, This woman played black widow and she LOVES black widow and is a HUGE fan of the'll see who plays her when I update the cast!😁😁😁

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