Mother/Daughter Reunion

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      Beatrice stood still as a statue not daring to stay a word. She had no words to say because she didn't know what mothers who give their daughters away say when they reunite again.

"Don't you have anything you want to say to me, mother?" Marilyn asked anger and sadness building up inside her. "I don't think I should even call you that, Beatrice."

"How dare you disrespect your mother!" Beatrice exclaimed.

"How dare you speak to me about disrespect and call yourself my mother when you abandoned me when I was a baby!" Marilyn exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

"Well, I ha don choice!" Beatrice asked.

"And just because I look different?!" Marilyn exclaimed. "I understand I don't look like a Munster but I'm still apart of this family!"

"Are you really?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes! No matter how hideous I look I am still a part of this family!" Marilyn exclaimed.

"I gave you up for a reason!" Beatrice exclaimed.

"Well excuse me for having a daughter for not looking like a real Munster! You shouldn't even BE in this family!" Beatrice exclaimed. Marilyn felt like her heart had been ripped out and stomped all over it. She ran upstairs and outside and sat outside the castle. She hid her face in her knees and let the tears that have been threatening to come out fall.

"How could you speak to my poor unfortunate little girl like that?!" Lily exclaimed. "She's your own daughter!"

"Well, it's not my fault she inherited the bad end of the gene pool!" Beatrice exclaimed.

"Your her mother! You should love your child unconditionally!" Lily exclaimed. "Mother taught us to love unconditionally and I probably love her even more than you do! So much I keep forgetting her handicap!"

"I'm not saying I don't love my daughter I'm saying I'm embarrassed to have a daughter who looks like that and calls herself a Munster!" Beatrice exclaimed.

"Now just you wait a minute that's my granddaughter your talking about." Grandpa said firmly and Eddie looked like he could pounce on his own aunt and bite her.

"And my niece!" Herman exclaimed. "If you say one more mean thing about her....."

"It's the truth." Beatrice said through gritted teeth.

"That doesn't give you the right to be hurt fully honest and hurt other people's feelings, especially when it comes to my family." Eddie said.

"And it's not poor Marilyn's fault that she inherited the bad genes of the family, and if I know my niece I know she feels horrible about it and wishes she looked exactly like us." Lily said angry at her sister for saying such rude things about her niece.

"I-if it's ok Mrs. Munster, I'll go talk to Marilyn...." Roger offered.

"Thank you dear, but I'm afraid Marilyn is in need of a woman to woman talk." Lily said.

"Alright." Roger said.

Lily walked outside and sat down next to Marilyn, who's head was buried in her knees to muffle the sobbing.

"Marilyn dear?" Lily asked, rubbing her back soothingly. Marilyn lifted her head to look at her aunt.

"Yes?" Marilyn asked.

"Don't listen to a word your mother says." Lily said.

"Why not? Even you and Uncle Herman think so." Marilyn said through her tears.

"Marilyn Munster your Uncle Herman and I love you very much!" Lily exclaimed.

"I know, but it's hard being the ugly duckling of the family." Marilyn said. Lily put her arm around Marilyn.

"It doesn't matter if you're the ugly duckling of the family or not, you are still a part of this family, and none of us would trade you for anything." Lily said meaning every word she said.

"Do you promise?" Marilyn asked.

"Cross my heart." Lily said making a cross sign over her heart. "Cross my heart hope to die.....again."

"Thank you aunt Lily."Marilyn said. "I'm glad I have people in my family who will love me unconditionally even though my mother doesn't."

"Don't you worry about her dear." Lily said. "If that's how your mother is going to be towards you, she is not worth your energy."

"You're right aunt Lily, but it's hard when you hear things like that from your own mother." Marilyn said wiping tears with the back of her hand. Lily pulled Marilyn into a hug and kissed the top of her head like she did when she was upset when she was a child. Marilyn returned the hug. Lily opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted by her sister coming outside.

"Madilyn, can we talk?" Beatrice asked.

"What's there to talk about?" Marilyn asked. "You gave me away because of how I look."

"That's what o wanted to talk to you about." Beatrice said.

"Well, you made it clear that you didn't want a daughter that looked like me." Marilyn said.

"Because I wasn't thinking-" Beatrice said but was cut off by Marilyn.

"Not thinking is an understatement." Marilyn said bitterly.

"'re right. What I did was terrible." Beatrice said.

"What you did was one of the cruelest thing you've ever done." Lily said through gritted teeth.

"And no, we won't let you live it down." Grandpa said bitterly.

"You have three people telling you shouldn't have done what you did. If that's not giving you a wake up call I don't know what will!" Marilyn exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

""And I have not doubt everyone thinks I'm a terrible mother." Beatrice said.

"No one's going to argue with that Aunt Beatrice." Eddie said.

"I know no one will argue with that." Beatrice said.

"Beatrice, I don't understand how you had change of heart all of a sudden." Marilyn said.

"I've done a lot of thinking after getting yelled by you and your aunt." Beatrice said. "I was wrong for giving you away the way I did."

"Wrong doesn't even begin to describe it!" Lily exclaimed.

"I know Lily." Beatrice said. "I dishonored the Munster family honor."

"You sure did." Herman said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, part of being a Munster is loving your family unconditionally." Eddie said. "Just like my mom and pop love me." Herman lifted Eddie up on his shoulder.

"I know I dishonored the family name, and I know you all probably wish to disown me from this family, or hate me and you have every reason to. Especially you, Marilyn. But you're my daughter, and believe it or not, I've always loved you."

"You have a very funny way of showing it." Marilyn said.

"I missed being your mother. I missed your first words, your first steps, and your first smile." Beatrice said. "I want to be a part of your life now. I don't want to miss anymore of your life."

"You think you have a right to just enter my life when you missed all of it?!" Marilyn asked.

"Only nineteen years of it." Beatrice said.

"In other words you didn't  watch me grow up!" Marilyn exclaimed. Beatrice was about to say something but was cut off by Gomez rushing outside.

"Everyone come in quickly! Amadeus and grandpa think they have found the cure!" Gomez exclaimed. Everyone rushed back in the castle and went to the basement to see a struggling Morticia and Grandpa and Amadeus with hopeful looks.

         Uh oh.....Grandpa is working with Amadeus AKA Lionel.....what do you think is going to happen?! Comment down below! And plz vote and comment and let me know what you guys think! See you all in the next chapter my lovelies! Byee!!😀😀😀

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