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The night was engulfed in silence and in darkness. It was an extraordinary sight. People left their apartments and greeted each other in confusion. Civilian lights had gone out, and all sounds from the city had died down. But unlike the silent night, a man found himself running. Like a madman.

Clearly not fit for the beach, Yuri is in converses and in jeans. Ripped jeans, if you want to be precise. As he approached the ocean, he tossed away his converses and the bomber he wore. He cried out a name. One that he didn't think he'd be screaming out at 1 am in the morning.


A bright light gathered a few hundred feet away from the shore. And the closer Yuri got, the more his heart began to pound. His feet touched the water.


It was cold.

He pushed through the water until it reached to his chest. The scent of the sea was odd. It wasn't the stereotypical smell of seaweed or even sea salt. It smelt like Otabek.

Taking in a deep breath, Yuri dived into the water. Even with his eyes closed, the light from the bottom was getting brighter the more he navigated down. Opening his left eye slightly, he noticed that the light wasn't a blinding one. Rather, it was a pleasant color that made Yuri relax.

Not a good sign.

Yuri also noticed that it emitted from skin. Dark hair moved in rhythm with the wave. Otabek. He was curled up in a ball with his arms covering his face and his hands on the back of his head.

Sorry I couldn't finish many stories! I really enjoyed writing these years back and god do I miss those days. I hope you enjoyed reading my fucking insane one shots that literally had so many gramatical errors and made no sense story-wise. I wish I had a greater sense of consent and relationships when I was young because in my stories, I didn't fully understand and the stories I wrote didn't really inform about consent and sex safety. Years have passed and looking back on these stories make me really embarrassed but proud to have contributed at least a little in the YOI fandom when it was on full blast in like 2017-2018. Miss the fandom so, so much. Anyways, bye bye for now my readers

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