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Meet the characters lurking in their shadows, waiting for their stories to be told.


Pharoah Sethi I : The King of all Egypt. He is an idealist and a dreamer, treats everyone with compassion and love. He is a distant figure, respected, admired and feared by his subjects.

Queen Sitre : The mother of Pharaoh and Princess Zaya. Also known as the Dowager Queen of Egypt. She was the wife of the late Pharoah Ramses I. And also a doting grandsire to her grandchildren.

Queen Tuya : The haughty, imperious proud queen of Egypt. She is Pharaoh's great royal chief wife, his first wife, very domineering, headstrong and strict. She is the mother of Crown Prince. Rameses II.

Queen Kashi : She is Intelligent, smart, sharp and respectful. She is the royal secondary empress of Egypt. Pharaoh's second wife, his friend and confidant. also known as the able wife,  She is the mother of Princess Azula.

Princess Zaya : Princess of egypt and twin sister of Pharoah Sethi. She's nothing like her mother yet she possess a domineering spirit. Very clever, and beautiful. She has her own hidden secret. She is the mother of Prince Nepthus and Princess Tharbis.

Queen Tiye : Pharaoh's third wife, also known as the primary queen of Egypt. She is enigmatic, a vituteous wife. She is the mother of Princess Kamilah.

Queen Isis: Pharaoh's fourth wife, also known as the noble consort, yet domineering in her own territory. She is the mother of Prince Thutmos.

Queen Kiya: Pharaoh's fifth wife, also known as a lesser pure consort. She's quite gentle, easy going and reserved. But is always putting on a straight face. She is the mother of Prince Karan.

Lady Anek-su-namun : The former late mistress of the late Pharoah Rameses The First. She and her clan were massacred and wiped out during the reign of Queen Sitre. She believes her lover Imhotep would one day resurrect her from the dead, and together they would bury the royal family into abyss.

Prince Rameses II : The first born of Pharoah and Queen Tuya. He is the crown prince and heir to the throne of Egypt. A magnificent great warrior, popular and feared in the kingdoms. He looks up to his father and respects him. Yet he believes marriage is for duty and not for love.

Prince Nephtus : The son of Princess Zaya. He is anxiously awaiting the day he will be declared Pharoah of Egypt. He demands respect and is slighted at the slightest show of irreverence by anyone. He is contemptuous of his cousin and resents his popularity with the masses. However, he doesn't know the real truth behind his birth.

Princess Anae-Eshe : The first daughter of Pharoah and Queen Kashi, Princess of egypt. She is beautiful, intelligent, quite clever, a little bit rude, but sharp as a wildcat.

Princess Kamilah : A princess of egypt, second daughter of Pharoah and Tiye. She is easy going and kind-hearted, loves to read, paint and sleep.

Princess Tharbis : A princess of Egypt, Pharaoh's niece. Daughter of Zaya, and younger sister of Nephtus. She is clever and smart. She secretly admires Hector, a vizier's son.

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