QOE | 010 | THE GODS

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Author's Note: As you continue reading this story, please note that there will be flash backs, reflecting the past lives of the Gods of Egypt. Their past lives will be written in italics, and their present in default font.

Anubis: Jackal headed gods of the dead: the underworld, god of mummification and the afterlife.

Ammit : devourer of the dead.

Amun: god of the wind (part a trinity of the sun god.

Anunet: goddess and personification of the River Nile.

Anhur: war god and patron of the egyptian army.

Anput: goddess of the seventh Nome of Upper Egypt.

Amuket: goddess of the river Nile.

Apris: god of Memphis.

Apophus: god of snakes.

Aten: god of god's ( part of the trinity of Ra)

Babi: god of baboons.

Bastet: cat goddess of protection and fertility: She protects pregnant women and children. Also a protector of Ra's third eye. She is also a goddess of warfare.

Bes: dwarf god and protector of household, mother and children.

Geb: god of earth.

Hapi: god of the Nile.

Hathor: goddess of love and motherhood: alter ego of sehkmet. She is also mistress of the west.

Hekmet / Heqet: goddess of frogs.

Horus: god of the air. Falcon headed god of light and hunting. Son of Osiris and Isis. He is a tutelary deity

Isis: goddess of motherland and fertility. She is also a goddess of magic, marriage, healing, protection and health.

Kebechet: goddess of purification.

Khepri: god of scarab beetles. Ra's aspect in the morning, the solar deity.

Khnum: Ram headed creator god. Creator of the evening sun.

Khonsu: god of moon, pathfinder and traveller.

Kuk: god of personification of darkness.

Maahes: god of war.

Ma'at: goddess of justice, truth, balance, harmony, morality and order.

Mafdet: god of justice.

Menhit: minor lion goddess.( Wife of Anubis).

Min: god of harvest and fertility.

Mut: vulture goddess of war.

Nepthys: sister of Isis. Goddess of protection and funerary.

Nekhbet: a vulture goddess. She's a tutelary deity

Nut: goddess of stars.

Neith : goddess of war and hunting.

Osiris: god of the after life and nature. He is the son of Ra and husband of Isis.

Ptah: Patron of craftsmen and architect.

Pakhet: goddess of motherland and war.

Qeben: goddess of the North wind.

Qetesh: a mother goddess of fertility. Adopted into ancient Egypt from Kadesh in what is now Syria.

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